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When Barry, Steve and Joe got back to Star Labs, they told everyone about Steve's new secret identity.
"And his name is...Steven Rogerson!" Said Barry with excitement. As soon as everyone started to congratulate Steve, an alarm went off.
"Guys, there's been a breach opened down at Fifth and Main. Same as last time. Barry you should..." before Cisco could finish his sentence Barry rushed out of the room. "Go."
"We'll go too!" Said Jessie and Wally as they rushed behind Barry.
When they got to the place where the breach had opened, there was a woman standing there.
"Who are you?" Barry asked the woman.
"The real question is..." as the lady said this she tackled Barry. "Who are you?"
"I'm the Flash...who...are you?" Barry had a little trouble saying this because she was on top of him.
"Where is Captain America?" She asked with force as she pushed him down harder.
"At Star labs...with my friends," said Barry with struggle. She finally got off of him.
"Sorry for tackling you," she said as she helped him up.
"It's fine. Now, who are you and why are you here?" Barry asked her.
"My name is Black Widow. I'm here to find Captain America."
"I can take you to him," said Barry as he sped them both to Star labs. Jessie and Wally followed.

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