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❝Cheery blossoms are blooming,winter is ending

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Cheery blossoms are blooming,
winter is ending.

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He probably shouldn't have been let out.

"Seokjin, I'm pregnant," I nervously announced to him, tapping my fingers on the table.

I hoped for a good reaction, but his expression was very weird. It looked like he was thinking about something deeply.

"That's great!" he said with not very much excitement in his voice after a while.

The next morning, I woke up in a five-star hotel room with no one laid beside me. "Jin?" I looked around in confusion.

The only thing to be found was a small sheet of paper with a cold message written on it.

Don't look for me. I'm never coming back. I don't want that child, don't even bother me with it.

I never loved you. You were an experiment. I wanted to see if all silver spoons are the same.

My conclusion: Y'all fucking are the same.

P.S. Abortion is always an option. :)

- Kim Seokjin, xoxo

Hugs and kisses, my ass. I never understood why did he suddenly walk away. But I knew one thing for sure – there was no way I would get an abortion. Although you were still tiny, I already loved you more than anything. I don't regret that decision.

How was life without your father?

I tried not think about him much, it exhausted me out a lot, and that was not healthy for my pregnancy. To be honest, it wasn't as horrible as you would think. I stopped stressing out about satisfying him. When I was with him, I felt so self-conscious.

Now that I look back at it, I don't regret that I got close to him. If I hadn't, I would have never met you. So in the end of the day, I am still pretty grateful for this experience. You wouldn't expect it, but this all actually occurred in only three months. Even in such a short amount of time, so many things can happen. Although he left scars that will last forever, he also helped me mature a lot.

You were born exactly eight months later, on the twenty-fourth of April.

"It's a baby girl!" the doctor cried joyfully, handing you to me.

It was the most beautiful moment in my life; you were beautiful. Let's be honest; newborn babies usually look really ugly. You were an exception. You were incredibly pretty. I named you Emilia.

You were my everything. I even found a great man that loved me sincerely. Uncle was even better than your dad, right? From your first little smile to your first (great) mark in school, it all was amazing, and I am so lucky I had the chance to be your mother.

P.S. Your dad probably didn't leave on his own will. My family threatened him to leave. Apparently, they had some dirt on him. I don't even want to know what was it.

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