Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

We had planned to tell the family about the attack calmly once they had rested from their travels, however, Paul jumped straight in, as kids will do, and told them in a rush which caused them all to get the wrong idea, that it was a huge attack and everyone was in danger. It took us a while to calm them down and explain what really happened. The only person who didn't seem concerned by all of this was Yeva "Will you all calm down. The children were safe; they were in a house full of guardians after all". I think they had forgotten that fact so as Yeva reminded them, they seemed to calm down.

The next few days saw us falling into a routine in the Belikov household; get up for breakfast, do any household chores that need to be done, go shopping if needs be, the five exiles discussing any ideas for moving forward, lunch, go for a walk or other leisure activities until dinner, family time then bed. It was lovely and relaxing but there was that little nagging voice in the back of the brain that kept telling me that we couldn't stay like this forever.

A week later I was sat watching Zoya in her bouncy chair when I had a thought. I needed to speak to Abe to see if it was a viable idea or not but I had an idea at least. "Mason can you watch Zoya for me? I'm just going to go and see Baba; I need his advice on something. Can you tell Dimitri where I have gone or he will start to worry?" I said as I opened the door and exited the house. On the way to the hotel where Abe was staying I started to think through my idea and the more I thought about it, the more possible it seemed.

I reached the hotel and went straight to Abe's room. The door was opened by Pavel, who seemed surprised to see me. "Come on in Rose. He's just having coffee."

"Kiz, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Hi Baba" I said going to hug him. "I need some advice. Advice on a business venture."

"Ah well you have come to the right place" he said rubbing his hands together. "What sort of business venture?"

"Well you know that Mason, Eddie and Alberta don't like living off of my money but they won't be getting an allocation anytime soon, if ever, so I started wondering if I could employ them at something, that way they would be earning their money not having it handed to them. Then I was wondering what business could Dimitri and I possibly run that would give employment to five guardians. Then it hit me, a guardian gym of sorts that offered services in hunting down strigoi and an agency of sorts that non-royal moroi could hire guardians. There is no way that any of us would stop being a guardian just because the Queen practically exiled us and I also thought there must be others out there that have had the same done to them. The gym could offer extra training services for guardians, a venue for grading to take place and maybe basic training for moroi that want to learn self-defence, not all are against the idea. What do you think Baba?" I said nervously.

"I like what you are thinking Kiz. You need to sort out the business/money side of things but I can see potential in it."

"That's why I came to you Baba. I know you would tell me if it could work or not and give me a hand in working out a plan. Obviously Dimitri and I would run it, and that Eddie, Alberta and Mason could be involved in running classes or extra training and then if we get any indication of strigoi activity we could go hunt. I just think that there could be others out there that are as likeminded as us that have also been exiled so to speak. If we had a place to meet, work and train we could continue doing what we had trained for without needing royal approval."

"Leave it with me Kiz and I will see what I can put together. Don't worry it would be your 'baby' shall we say but I can help you get it on its feet. In the meantime talk it through with Dimitri and your friends to see if they are receptive to it and also see if they have any ideas to help."

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