Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Just as I thought Chris's face, next day, was a picture.

"Come on Chris, Richard won't wait forever you know" I said trying to hurry him onto the jet.

"Richard?" he said confused.

"Our pilot" Dimitri replied gently pushing him between the shoulders moving him towards the stairs.

"Good Morning Mr and Mrs Belikov, Mr Ashford and you must be Mr Ozera."

"Morning Jessica, this is indeed Mr Ozera. How are you today?" I said to our hostess.

"Very well thank you. Richard will be through in a moment to greet you" and she moved off to the front of the plane.

"Ermm Rose?" Chris began but was interrupted.

"Morning Mr and Mrs Belikov, Mr Ashford; and welcome Mr Ozera for your first flight with us on RDB157. I'm Richard Mathers your pilot" shaking Chris's hand. "Everything is looking good for a smooth flight Mrs Belikov and I don't anticipate any problems. We will be underway in 15 minutes. I hope you enjoy your flight."

"Thanks Richard" Dimitri and I replied.

"Ermm Rose?" Chris tried again. "RDB157? Is this jet yours?" Chris asked confused.

"That it is Sparky. Sit back and enjoy the ride" I said grinning at him.

He looked a little shocked but then burst out laughing "oh this just keeps getting better and better. If Tasha and Lissa could see you both now" he said through gasps and we all joined in the laughter.

The flight went as Richard promised. We all managed to get some sleep and being used to flying back and forth to Russia you get used to amusing yourself. On our numerous flights Dimitri and I had joined the Mile High Club and confirmed our membership many times: Well what else is there to do on a fourteen hour flight. Reading can only take you so far.

We touched down in Novosibirsk just before 1pm on Sunday and were on our way to Baia by 1.30pm. Chris had never been to Russia before but had heard about it from Tasha as he was growing up, so was interested in everything.

We came up on the outskirts of Baia two hours later. Mason had heard from Eddie saying that he, Alberta and Vika were at the gym finishing off some work so we headed straight for there. Mason hadn't said anything about Chris; Eddie was going to be very surprised.

We pulled up outside the gym and noticed the outside had been repainted and generally spruced up. We also noticed the mountings for the new sign were in place. It looked good and I smiled with joy. I could see Dimitri was pleased too as we got out of the SUV and walked into the gym. What a difference! The floor had been replaced with varnished wood except for a sprung floor in the middle. There were mirrors placed along one wall and climbing bars and ropes on the opposite side. Other equipment was still missing but the place looked great. Eddie, Alberta and Vika entered from the offices and moved towards us in greeting but Eddie looked up and saw Chris.

"Oh my god, Pyro, what the hell are you doing here man?" Eddie said moving to guy hug Chris. "It's great to see you."

"It's great to see you too Eddie" returning the hug. "Well as to what I'm doing here, I'm the newest employee of RDB International, the token moroi" he said with a laugh.

"You're kidding?" Eddie said looking at the rest of us.

"Nope, he's not. He turned up at the gym two weeks ago just with the clothes on his back and living out of his car" I said patting Chris on the back.

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