Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

It's been four weeks since the grand opening and today was Dimitri's birthday. I had been wracking my brain trying to figure out what I could do to make it special; after all, we got married on mine. In the end I settled on a day out, which I hope he was going to enjoy and a special dinner for just the two of us. We hadn't been able to do that since we were at St Vlad's in our little cottage and I missed the intimacy of just dinner for us. There was a private dining room up on the family floor which we hadn't used yet so tonight seems to be the perfect time. Tessa was going to do all of the cooking for it and make the dining room look really special, I just had to keep Dimitri out of the way.

"Happy Birthday Comrade" I whispered into his ear as he lay in bed. I saw the corners of his mouth curl up as I kissed his cheek and so quick I didn't see it coming he rolled over, grabbed me and threw me onto my back into the pillows.

"Why don't you wish me Happy Birthday properly Milaya?" he said with a playful grin as his hands wandered all over my body, trying to rid me of my clothes.

"I would love to Comrade but we have somewhere to be" I said mysteriously and he pouted at me. "Come on, if you don't get up and put on the clothes that I've selected for you, you are going to miss out on your birthday surprise" but I also placated him with a deep, passionate kiss. "That's all you are getting. Now get up and get changed."

"Yes ma'am" he said with a mock salute.

I was already dressed so I made my way downstairs to speak to Tessa about tonight. "Everything is fine Rose, don't worry about a thing" she said. "Just keep him out of here until at least 6.30pm.

"You are a star Tessa" I said giving her a quick hug and left the kitchen before Dimitri decided to come and find me.

"Alright Milaya, I'm ready now where are we going" he said, standing there in a pair of blue jeans and a denim shirt over a plain white T. Over the top, as I knew he would, he had his ever present duster. I was dressed similarly expect I had on a checked shirt and my red duster.

"So impatient Comrade" I said laughing at him. "Just get into the car; Passenger side." Once we were in the SUV, I pulled out onto the road and made my way around the outskirts of LA. The place we were going, I didn't know existed until I found a flyer for it when I went shopping one day. It was booking only so I called the number from the secrecy of my office and booked us two tickets; I was so glad when they had spaces left for today.

I made a quick turning onto a desert dirt road and hoped Dimitri hadn't read the sign that indicated where we were going. The road continued for another three miles before we reached a fence line and the gates to a Wild West Ranch.

I heard Dimitri suck in a breath, "Oh Milaya". I turned my head to see his face which was split from ear to ear in a huge grin. "How did you find this place?" he said in excited wonder.

"I found a flyer while I was out shopping one day and instantly thought of your birthday" I said as I handed our tickets over to the cowboy on the gate.

"Howdy ma'am, mighty fine day, ain't it? Just park your wagon over there and enjoy your day."

"Thank you" I said trying not to laugh at the accent and his words but Dimitri was in his element. I parked up and got out of the vehicle. Before I could move a step, Dimitri had grabbed me and swept me off my feet.

"Roza, have I told you today how much I love you?" He kissed me with a giddiness that was almost infectious.

"Once or twice Comrade" I said to him smiling. "I take it you like your surprise?"

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