Gohans Death...

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Red here again! I am gonna be writing DBZ books now. Maybe later I'll bring back a few Naruto Books. Until then it's all DBZ baby! Enjoy!

It was dark. The sun had long since disappeared from sight. Every since the Androids came, the world was left in eternal darkness. The sky's have been blotted with dark clouds. It was either smoke, or just plain clouds. The streets were empty. There were no cars about. Everything was just silent. Things have been like this for 18 years now. And no one has been able to fix things. The world's only hope, the Z Fighters. They were killed off 17 years ago. The only Survivor, Gohan, has been in hiding since that day.

He trained day and night ready to avenge his fallen friends. At one point he had a son of his own. A young boy by the name of Kó. He was a happy little boy, always wanting to get stronger to impress his father. Learning to use ki at the age of 5. Even learning magic at age 8. He was a Prodigy that was for sure. But today was the last time Gohan would ever see his son...


The city shook as a bright light appeared at the opposite end. Following the light was a strong gust of wind. Today was the day that Gohan decided to challenge the Androids by himself. Usually he would be here with Trunks and his Son. But today he didn't want them here. Today was the day the Z fighters perished. And if he was going to die then he would die the day his comrades died.


Once more the city shook as their battle raged on through the night. Out of no where a ki blast zoomed by and slammed into a building causing it to explode. Gohan followed after dodging a barrage of Ki blasts that chased him. He turned around with a grin face, blocking and dodging and deflecting the barrage. Soon after the two Androids appeared beside him throwing a barrage of punches and kicks. He blocked them as best as he could before he Z vanished above them and shot down a Kamehameha at them.

The Androids split apart dodging the blast and shot up at Gohan attacking him together. He growled as he continued to block and dodge the attacks. "Wow, you seem to be doing much better than before." The Android on the right spoke blankly. He had on a black shirt with a long sleeve white shirt underneath. A bandana was wrapped around his neck. He had piercing blue eyes that peared into Gohan's soul.

"You're right 17, he's doing much better than before. Maybe because the other two aren't here to hold him back..." The second one surmised. She had blonde hair and the same blue eyes as the first one. This was Android 18. "I will destroy you both today... And even if I die and you survive there will always be a stronger warrior to stand up to your tyranny!" He shouted and powered up. The ground shook as his aura became golden and his hair spiked up even more.

"This is the power of my people! The power used to protect this planet from tyrants like you! This is the power of a super Saiyan!" He roared and the battle resumed much more fiercely than before. They were disappearing and reappearing at different places in the sky, the city shaking from the power of each blow that connected. "Wow 18. He's much stronger than before. Maybe he will actually injure us this time." 17 surmised with a chuckle as he and 18 powered up and charged Gohan once more.

They shot across the sky at high speeds, each attack causing a large shockwave that would destroy the area even more. 17 came at Gohan with a kick aimed at his head, Gohan caught the kick and tightened his grip and spun around and slammed 17 into 18 who tried to sneak up behind him. The two went flying from the impact and he sent a barrage of ki blasts after them. He watched on with a blank face as the attack landed pushing them back further.

He was going to finish this ongoing battle now. He was tired of these little skirmishes. This was the final battle. And he would make sure of it. He looked down on them as they came up at him once more. Bruises on their body. He rushed down to meet them head on. "THIS IS THE END OF YOU BOTH! SAY YOUR PRAYERS!" He shouted. His aura growing brighter. "WE WILL END YOU YOU PESKY SAIYAN!" They shouted at the same time. They all connected at once and a loud explosion following a large bright light that encompassed the city occured.

2 hours later

Trunks and Kó flew around the destroyed city trying to find their mentor. Trunks was growling lowly as he continued to search for his missing teacher. Kó was behind trunks with a worried look etched into his face. "Dad where are you!" Kó finally shouted as he landed on the ground with trunks following. They had reached the center of the Destruction and saw a body laying on the ground a few feet ahead.

Ko's eyes widened in shock as he noticed the dead body. "No.... No.... NO!" He shouted as he rushed forward, tears bursting from his eyes. He came upon the body and his heart nearly popped. In front of him lay his dead father. He fell to his knees. Not even acknowledging Trunks' gasp behind him. "Father.... Why..." Ko whispered lowly. His anger rose as his power went crazy. Behind him, trunks was doing the same. They both shouted to the sky in agony as they cried for their dead Father/Mentor. The world shook as two Legendary warriors were born.

The ground cracked and collapsed and a golden aura surrounded them both. Lightning struck down and they released a loud shout which reached the heavens. They had both became super saiyans. The death of Gohan had pushed them this far. Both of them looked up. Tears streaming down their face. Together, as one they spoke. "The Androids will pay for this.... They will pay!"


Hey guys! I hope you liked this! Peace!


Gohan: 13,000,000
Full Power Gohan: 250,000,000
SsJ Gohan: 650,000,000

Android 17: 640,000,000
Android 18: 630,000,000

Trunks: 4,000,000
OverDrive Trunks: 60,000,000
SsJ trunks: 200,000,000

Ko: 1,500,000
SsJ Ko: 75,000,000
Yin Ko: 22,500,000
Yang Ko: 22,500,000
Yin Yang Ko: 45,000,000

Ko has Runes that store positive and Negative energy that he can absorb into himself and boost himself. He will later learn to stack this effect onto super saiyan.

Over drive is when trunks over charges his power temporarily giving him a sizable boost. It will not be stacked onto his super Saiyan.

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