Chapter 1: Both Kingdoms

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I was still too young to understand, my father always told me that underworld people were mean, and all they wanted was our lands because life down there was too miserable for them. And that they wouldn't hesitate to take away our kingdom from us, however...

The look in that man was totally different from what my father told my sister and me. He arrived one day, escorted by a few soldiers, he was tall with long gray hair and a beard which barely kept the blond color once it had, he wasn't scary, instead, he portrayed a tender look along with a gentle smile, after him two more people arrived, a gorgeous woman with white hair, her smile was as tender as his or even more, I didn't know why it reminded me of my own mother, I felt a twinge in my heart and I believe that Chara remembered her too, since I could feel how she held my hand with a hard grip.

I looked down for a moment and found a little boy stuck hidden behind the woman's dress, I'm pretty sure it was his son since they shared the same color of hair, he was about the same age as my sister was, he looked at us and I couldn't help smiling at him, he looked so cute, he hid back again behind his mother's dress peeking out while walking towards the throne's hall instead of where my father was waiting.

- Who are they? My sister asked our babysitter who was taking care of us at that moment.

- They are the underworld's royal family, they came to sign a peace treaty with the king- she replied as strict as always, she used to be kind with us but also severe enough to raise two 10 year old girls. – meaning... they don't want to fight us? – I asked, doubtful, they are supposed to be mean, right?

- I'm not sure, that will depend upon the agreement they make with the King, let's go to the garden in the meantime- she held our hands and took us far away from the castle entrance, I couldn't see the royal family from the distance anymore and I was wondering what will happen with them, I'm sure my father will hear them, he is too kind with us, even after our mom passed away he took care of us and played with us on his free time, he was a good father and an understandable king.

Chara and me played in the garden, we used to do crown flowers while our baby sitter read us a book, at that moment, Chara stared at the garden's door, I turned around and saw that kid again looking at us peeping behind the door. – How long has he been there? – Hey! Do you want to play with us? – Chara looked at me annoyed, not so happy with my idea, but she kept quiet. The kid approached us in a shy way – Can I really play with you?.

-Absolutely! My name is Frisk and my sister's name is Chara, What is your name? – I gave him the yellow flower crown I was holding in my hands, and he smiled looking at the flowers – My name is Asriel! –


That was the first time I met Asriel, it didn't take too long for us to be friends, they stayed for a few days in the castle, time enough for my sister and me to like them, and her mother Toriel, she was an excellent cake cook and as tender as my mom. That man with kind look over there is King Asgor, he used to love our garden full of yellow flowers, all three of them were great people, however, I haven't seen them again, a while after that, my lovely father became cold and distant, he kicked out Asriel's family and declared war once again to people from the underworld, it's been years since the war ended, completely momentarily, underworld people locked themselves behind a magical barrier locking passage to my father's army, ending with the fighting at last.

-although... Was that what really happened? 



Many people asked me to translate Ragnartale into English, but I do not know English! So a friend helped me translate the chapters and I'm translating it with google T_T, but I hope you like the story to continue translating more chapters!

RAGNARTALE AU / ENGLISH VERSION (Asriel x Frisk) (Sans xFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now