Chapter 2: Responsibility.

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I was still tired after spending weeks crying, my eyes were swollen and I was worried about the future. I never wanted to think what would happen when my father died, even though I'm 19 years old, I still feel like a child in need of protection, my sister barely leaves her room to eat or talk with our royal advisor, now that my father passed away it's my older sister's turn to claim the throne, however, I still feel that she is too sad to even think of being queen, she is filled with regret against my father.


-Why did you kicked out Asriel's family dad?! - my sister who is usually too quiet looked like a wild beast facing our father in the middle of the throne hall, the underworld royal family left yesterday right after our king declared war at them, I never saw my father like that before, he was furious although I'm not really sure why, once we noticed he was arguing with King Asgore.

- You don't have to understand, you will never talk to them again – he had a severe look, kind of scary but my sister didn't seem to care.

- They were kind with us, they were not bad persons, why would you kick them out and declare war at them? I was so furious, raging in front of everyone at the court looking at each other. Many of them sdid not agree with my father's decree, however, they were not brave enough to say something.

I won't talk about this matter anymore ok? Don't go near that family nor anyone from the underworld, mainly to the prince Asriel is that clear?

My lord, I don't mean to disrespect you nor defy you, but I don't believe we can afford a war against the underworld people, as a reminder, there are many mages amongst their people. My father's right hand, the scientist and sorcerer Gaster was one of the most admirable man from the royal court and his opinion was always the first my dad would listen to, a tall and slender man, with pale skin and really dark eye bags, he was always wearing black, that made him look gloomy but he was trustable and if there was someone to make my dad understand, that was Gaster.

Do you want to contradict me too Gaster? If they fight against us using magic, so do we, you are in charge to develop a strategy to defeat the underworld people, you and your sorcerers will design that plan – his look was filled with anger and there was nothing capable to change his mind, he looked at Chara angry – As for you, I don't want you to talk about it anymore is that clear?

- I... I HATE YOU DAD! My sister ran out of the royal court without making eye contact with no one, and even though our baby sitter tried to stop her, she was far enough out of reach, my dad saw her leave, and even though he was still mad, I could see sadness in his eyes.

Gaster bowed to my father and even though he didn't agree with the order that was given to him, he accepted it – as you order my lord, me and my crew will work on it as soon as possible – he left the court after that, it could still be heard voices with discomfort due to the king's decision, however, no one seemed to wish to defy him.


I went into my sister's bedroom, she was staring at the window with an empty look, how long has she been like that? I lost count since she doesn't talk to me unless it's something necessary.

-Sister, I understand you don't feel good, but you can't stay like that, you might get sick- I held my sister from behind, although I was also feeling bad since our father died, but I couldn't lose focus and lose myself into sadness, I had to be strong for both of us.

- Frisk, do you think we did the right thing fighting against dad? She was still not looking at me, but she had a broken tone of voice, as if she couldn't stand talking more.

- I think it wasn't right to declare war... but they locked themselves underworld and we had no option, that was a long time ago though, it's no use for us to remember it anymore, dad loved us both, even if we were mad at each other, she caressed her head and talked to her slowly, she didn't want to say something to hurt her even more, but it was too hard not to be honest, she couldn't resist it and started crying.

I believe... we could've avoid it...I believe that war was wrong, but I also miss my father a lot, I wish I didn't fight with him...I...still miss Asriel... he used to talk about his kingdom – as she was telling me this she was crying even more, she turned around and hugged me hard- I miss Toriel a lot... I miss Asriel, he became my only friend... I miss mom!...she could've be a better queen than myself! I MISS THEM A LOT! She was crying comfortlessly, all I could do was hug her tight until she felt asleep, I was feeling really bad, she will be crowned in a few days and even though she is 2 years older than me, she was the same spoiled child and that was too much pressure for her.

She completely felt asleep and I left her resting on her bed, followed by that I was able to go to my room, I couldn't sleep during the night, in reality, I also missed the Dremuur family, I missed Asriel, my mom and my dad, but I swore my mom not to lose focus. The next morning, I dressed up to visit my sister again, once I got into her room I was shocked!




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