Chapter 5: The first encounter

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I was shocked, until I focused my sight I was able to see the face of the person standing in front of me, it was a skeleton, I felt intimidated but at the same time I felt he was trust worthy, it was really weird, he shyly lend his hand for me to grab it, his fingers were cold but his grab was unusually strong, he didn't seem to want to stop smiling at all.

Just a little... but I was kind of nervous, not every day you came across a talking skeleton although I'm starting to think that it's not the weirdest thing I'll find.

-Oh well, the truth is that it's been a long that since I saw a human kid, I assume you come from the kingdom above correct? His voice sounded weird when he talked about my father's kingdom, it started to frighten me, I could barely see a blue shine on his left eye, for some reason he didn't want to let my hand go which he was still holding it with strength.

- Oh... yes... I felt here by mistake I just wanted to find my sister so I could get out of here – I was feeling more scared, I started to think he was not going to let me go that easy but I tried to hide my fear even though I was frightened, even though my voice betrayed me a little bit.

- Are you planning to leave that soon? Oh – excuse my manners, my name is Sans – he let go my hand for a moment to put his on his chest, for a moment I could see under his cape that he was wearing some sort of armor and I could notice what it looked like a sword handle, it was enough, I think it's time for me to leave.

- My name is... if I revealed my name he would probably recognize me, who knows what this "man" could do to me if he knew that I am the princess from the kingdom above, I must escape as fast as I can, I searched in despair something to help me escape, he noticed it and walked towards me slowly, his smile really had me restless and I took a few steps back, come on! I had to get back on track, it was enough, I turned around and desperately ran away.

- Hey gir, wait! He followed me as soon as I started running, I saw a bridge on the river right next to me, for some reason there were bars on that bridge but the space between them was so wide that you could easily go through them, I ran to cross it but the skeleton held my backpack to stop me.

- Stop running kid! This is no place to play! At that moment I tried to pull my backpack to let go, once it got lose I lost balance and fell on the river, a few seconds prior falling I could see how he tried to hold my hand to avoid it but it was too late, my body got into the cold water to be dragged by the water stream, I couldn't stay on float, the coldness made my body feel numb and I almost lose consciousness until I felt something grabbing me and pulling me out of the river, all I could see was a silhouette and big green eyes that seemed familiar to me... Asriel... just at that time, I lost conscious.

RAGNARTALE AU / ENGLISH VERSION (Asriel x Frisk) (Sans xFrisk)Where stories live. Discover now