Chapter 3

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Monday Morning~

Ayano's POV

This weekend was really fun, although things weren't the best the first few days, I still enjoy my time with my boyfriend. We were walking into school when Saki and Kokona ambushed us.


"What's true?"

"That you and Budo kun are actually dating?!?"


"IT IS!!! IT IS!!!!"

"O. M. G.
SHIP IT!!!!"

Saki screamed, while she was screaming many people were giving us weird looks, so me and Budo decided to  leave and go drop off our things at our lockers and from there we were going to go to the club to practice for a bit before class, but we ran into Senp- I-I mean Taro on the way in, and Budo being a good friend that he is he obviously started a conversation

"Hey Taro!"

"Oh, hey Budo and Ayano! Nice to see you again!"

"Likewise, and how has your day been so far?"

"It's been good, for the most part"

"Oh? How so?"

"Well, you know how I'm dating Osana and all"


"Well, you would think that she would be a bit nicer to me since we're dating, but it's been the other way around, she's been worse"

"Poor you Taro, I'm lucky I have such a wonderful girlfriend here, that we haven't had any problems since we started dating"

"Aww, thanks Budo, your not so bad yourself either"

"Thanks babe"

"But we should get going if we want to do a bit of practicing before class"

"Your right, we should get going, nice talking to ya Taro, see you in class"

We left and started to head to the club room.

Taro's POV

Wow, I thought that when I started dating Osana, she would have at least tried to be nicer to me, but all she does is yell and complain in how I'm so bad to her, I'm starting to regret my decision. On Saturday I tried taking her in a date, but we ran into Budo and this girl, but just not any girl, his girlfriend. She was mesmerizing, she had the same eyes as Budo, beautiful black hair that flowed perfectly down her back and the dress she was wearing made her look like a goddess, and her name was Ayano, such a pretty name for such a spectacular woman, I don't even know how Budo managed to get her, I don't even think he deserves such a person, and what tikes me off the most was that she goes to our school and I've never noticed her, he's such a lucky bastard, but that luck won't last long, I will get Ayano to be mine because Budo has always had what he's wanted, now it's my turn.

Budo's POV

We had gotten to the club, and it was only me and Ayano because I had let the other club members have the morning off so I could train with my girlfriend, God, I love calling her that. Ayano went to change first while I wait for her, once she was done I went to change quickly, once I was done we started to train, after half an hour or so we stopped to take a small break, plus we would be leaving to class soon anyway. We were just sitting there in silence, not awkward silence but a nice calming and peaceful one where we enjoyed each other's presence, but then I decided cuddle with her, with my sudden actions she seemed started a bit but calmed down almost instantly, she put her head on my shoulder and I started to play with her hair a bit, it was quite relaxing, and to be honest, I didn't want to move, I wanted to stay in this position a bit longer. After a few minutes I was going to get ready to go to class but, I noticed that Ayano had fallen asleep on my shoulder, she looked so peaceful, calm and beautiful that, I didn't want to wake her up or leave her alone, so I decided to stay there with her and skip class.

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