Chapter 5

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Budo's POV

It's been a month and a half since the whole incident with Ayano getting hurt. We've been switching between my apartment and her house to sleep over, I've had to switch my shifts at work to the night shift to make sure no one would hurt her and I've also been with her every moment that I can with her. I've walked her to class, club and our houses, I've only let her leave my side when class starts, she uses the bathroom, when I'm at work or when she's with Saki and Kokona because they almost attacked a girl saying the that's what she deserved for being a slut or some shit like that. Since then Taro has broken up with Osana, all security measures have been maxed and we've gotten a bit more club members. Mina has been trying to butter up to me, and trying to make me forgive her, but I'm not going to forgive her any time soon, I even think that she's the one who planned the whole thing where they jumped Ayano. Summer is almost here and I want to go somewhere where no one can hurt Ayano and she can relax a bit. To be fair, she's strong and all, but since she got jumped she keeps having nightmares and gets very jumpy at times afraid of being jumped again, it puts me in pain just seeing that the strong independent Ayano isn't here anymore and was replaced by the scared fragile one who's afraid to leave my side. Sure it's cute and all at times but it just hurts me to see that her life was getting better and it was giving her hope that she could be normal, just be taken away because of some girls and their jealousy. I really want to find them and make them pay for what they did to Ayano, but I can't, not now at least, not when Ayano is feeling insecure.

Ayano has been staying in my house for almost a month now. I've made her stay here because I've started noticing that some people were following us and since I didn't want to leave Ayano alone I've dropped her at her house and left to a nearby bush around her house that I've had to go around the corner and behind a house to get to be able to see her house without anyone noticing, so when they leave I can get Ayano and go to my house where she could hide at. It's gotten to the point where I've contacted my childhood friend Akane (aka Info chan (info chan doesn't have a name in the game so I made one up)) to help me find who did this to Ayano, so far, I've found out that Mina was the one who planned it, and that Sakyu Basu, Oka Ruto, Musume Ronshaku, Hanako Yamada, Kizana Sunobu and a few others where the ones who attacked Ayano. I also found out that they're planning on blackmailing Ayano, and they were trying to get Akane to be on their side but failed.

See, me and Akane grew up together and me and her have always looked out for each other like siblings, I always had evidence of Ayano killing someone because if I wanted to know something about a student or staff member I could always ask Akane and she'd give me the information but in return I had to keep her identity a secret and basically be her henchmen, but I would never do anything against the law or stuff like that, seeing as I had to keep a low profile on those kinds of matters because I have to keep a mask on and act as in all I cared about was martial arts and following the law and those kinds of matters.

You see, me and Akane are run aways, we lived with horrible families who didn't care about us and treated us horribly. Our families lived in areas where a lot of deaths and crimes happen because many gangs lived there, I lived in the part where most deaths would happen, so I had to learn how to defend myself because I knew my family wouldn't lift a finger if I was in harms way, while Akane lived in the parts with less crime, her whole family was in a gang except herself, but her family wanted to prepare her for when she entered a gang she was one of the most powerful gang members and so they could be known as being the ones who thought her and that she could protect them while they use her in their games, so they tough her how to be a professional hacker, she started to learn at the age of 10 and by the time she was 12 she was able to hack into the governments files if wanted, she kept that a secret from her family because she knew their plans for her. So, when I was 15 and she was 13 we decided to run away, main reason why is because we hated our families and because I was considered one of the strongest people in the area and because Akane was being known for her skills that people wanted to kidnap her and use her in their gangs, while they wanted me to join their gangs or kill me. So we ran away, we kept our real name since no one actually knew them, so it wouldn't be any harm to us.

We both worked around 2 jobs at the beginning, and once we were able to afford a place we got it, later on we kept working until I said I was gonna move out since we has gotten enrolled in akademi I didn't want people to think that we were a thing, also because I had saved up enough to move out and I had gotten a better job near the place I want to move into. Akane understood and said she was also planning on moving out, we had happened to live 5 blocks away from each other, and we're both enrolled in akademi.

Ayano's POV

It's been around a month and a half since I've been jumped and I'm honestly terrified, I've bee hearing rumors that if I don't leave Budo alone that he'll also get jumped, I wouldn't be fazed if the rumors were about me, but they weren't, they were about Budo. Me and Budo are pretty tough people, so we can handle a fight but what happened to me was that there were too many of them and they keep ganging up on me so I couldn't fight back all of them and got hurt really badly, so I had to stay home for a few days. I'm terrified that the same thing is gonna happen to Budo and I'll be because of me that it happened. I'm wondering that me dating Budo was the right thing to do, sure, I like him a lot, but, was that a good enough reason to put his life endangered? And I know he likes me a lot to, but, I could never live with the guilt of him getting hurt because of me, he's done so much for me, and what have I done? I've been a hassle for him and I've put his life in danger. That isn't what a good girlfriend is so post to do. I've made up my mind, I'm going to dump Budo.

Budo's POV
It's 4 in the morning on a Saturday and I've just got home, I can't wait to get to my bedroom and crawl into bed and snuggle with Ayano. As I enter my apartment I find Ayano on the couch still awake.

"Hey Aya, what are you still doing up?"

"Good, you're finally here"

"What? Why? Did something happen to you? Did someone hurt you? Cuz if they did, I'm gonna hunt them down and rip their sku-"

"No, nothing happened to me"

"Then why are you up?"

"Well, Budo, I-I Iwanttobreakeupwithyou"

"Ayano, but why?"

"Well, I've been getting treats that if I stay near you, th-that t-the s-same th-thing th-that ha-happened t-to me wi-will ha-happened t-to y-you"

After those words, she had started crying, I ran up to her and started consoling her, one she had calmed down a bit I spoke

"Ayano, those treats are nothing, and even if they do go trough with them, they can't harm me, I'm tougher than I look you know. Plus you're one of the only special people in my life and I don't want to lose you"

"B-but i-if y-you st-stay wi-with me th-tha-"

"I don't care if I get hurt, as long as I still have you by mi side"

"Oh Budo" and then she hugged me and started crying into my shoulder once again. After a bit of calming down we called it a night and went to bed. Maybe I should take her on a date tomorrow, to get her mind off of things.


Hello? Can anyone hear me?
I'm SO SORRY that it took SO LONG to update, But, I WAS GROUNDED FOR TWO FLIPPING MONTHS FOR NO REASON and when I tried to update my story, I couldn't because before I got grounded I wrote the majority of this chapter and forgot to sync it to the internet so when I was grounded and using my sister's devices to try and update I had around 100 words written and I had over a thousand when it was on my device, but now I'm not grounded and am able to update more, so I hope you

Second Chances (An Ayando fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें