Chapter 6

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Budo's POV
It's Sunday afternoon and me and Ayano haven't been doing much, only relaxing a bit, Ayano just left to her house to do some chores and some shopping for her house. While she's gone I might as well take advantage of this opportunity and start setting things up for a date tonight. After setting up reservations at a restaurant I'm planning on taking her to the Sakura park that we went to when I asked her out. After I'm done making the reservations I go do some errands  and call Ayano to get ready and to wear something nice because I have a surprise for her and that I'm picking her up at her house around 7.

Ayano's POV

I had decided to go to my house to do some laundry clean it up a bit, get the mail and to get a few more things that I needed. Once there I started the laundry and started cleaning the house,  around half way through my cleaning session I got a call from Budo saying that I should wear something nice for later and that he is picking me up a my house at 7. After that call I finished my cleaning and decided to go through the mail. I was looking through it and saw that I got a letter from my parents saying that they're coming back home in around a week and a half or so, right after the school year ends for the summer. After that I decided that I would start to get ready, I took a shower, got dressed in a black and white striped dress with some flats. After that I decided that I would do my hair so I left it down and curled the ends of it, after that I did my makeup, nothing to big, only some eyeliner, mascara and some lipstick. After I was done getting ready I still had some time left until Budo would come to pick me up so I decided that I would read some manga until he got here.

Budo's POV

I was on my way to Ayano's place when I suddenly kept being stopped by random girls try to flirt with me, I don't know why but it's probably because I dressed nice or something. Once there me and Ayano started to walk to the restaurant where I had made reservations. Once we got seated things were a little off, a lot of people were looking at us, some girls were checking me out, winking, doing kissing faces and a bunch of other gestures to me and a bunch of guys were doing the same to Ayano, and that was pissing the fuck out of me. Now I know how Ayano feels when chicks do that to me. After seeing so many guys checking out whats mine I was really irritated and I'm pretty sure Ayano had noticed.

"What's wrong Budo?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing"


"What?!? Uhhhh, sorry"

"Budo, what's wrong?"

"Ugh I'm just getting pissed off because all the guys are looking at what's mine" I spat out with venom

"Awww, is the all mighty Budo jealous?"

"Wha! No one said that!"

"Oh. My. Gosh. YOU ARE!"

"Shut it Ayano!"

"Aww, you're so cute when your jealous"

"Whatever" *pouts*

"Budo, there's nothing wrong with bein-"

"Here are your dinners, ma'm, sir"

After we got our food we started to eat, after that we had ordered some dessert, while we were waiting for our desserts I had left to go to the bathroom. When I was about to enter the restroom, I had been stopped by someone before entering.

"Hi honey~"


"What? Are you not happy to see me?"

"Ohhh, no. I'm so happy to see you"

"Hmph, oh well. But, I do see that you have a new girlfriend, do you not?"

"You leave her out of this"

"It would be a shame it something were to happen to her"

"I'm warning you, don't you dare hurt her"

"And I'm warning you, if you don't do as I say, the girl's gonna get it"

And then she started walking away. I had never thought I would see her again after I had left, guess my departure hit her hard, but I guess that's the down side of making bonds with others, once your gone I'll hurt you in the worst way possible. I was walking back to the table when u saw one of the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. I was watching Taro, my so called best friend, flirting with my Ayano, holding my Ayano's hands and trying to kiss my Ayano. I was about to storm over there and beat the shit out of Taro when I stopped in my tracks by a beautiful sight, Ayano slapping Taro across the face.

"Taro! Are you out of your mind! You know I'm dating Budo!"

"I know Ayano, but don't tell me that you don't fell it too, that there's some connection between us"

"What are you talking bout? Are you crazy, if there was some kind of connection between us then would you really think that I'd be dating Budo"

"You were probably being nice! All I know is that you are mine, and no one else's"

And he was about to kiss Ayano once again when she once again slapped him across the face, that's when I ran over there.

"Ayano! What do you think your doing?!?"

"B-but Budo! He tried to k-"

"I know what he tried, but your beautiful hands aren't meant to touch such horrid things. That's why I'm here my love" I said while kissing her hand.

After that I had to punch Taro in the face once before he passed out, by then our dessert had come and they were asking us to leave. So we got our dessert to go and payed for the dinner and left. We were walking down to the park, I'm hoping that at least the rest of this night will go to plan. As were nearing the park I can see that the tree that I want to ask her the question at has the perfect sunset view, hopefully she'll say yes. Once we arrived at the tree we sat down and started to watch the sunset.

"Hey Ayano"


"I know that we've been dating for not that long and all, but...."

"But what Budo?"

"Well, Ayano, will you move in with me? I know this might seem drastic but all these girls are trying to hurt you and stuff and I'd like to be close to you so that there's less of a chance of you getting hurt"

"Id love to move in Budo"

Then, I leaned in for the kiss, after that we ate out desserts under the cherry blossom trees, we were walking back to my apartment hand in hand, but the only thing that I couldn't get out of my mind was her, Misaki


Herro, person, CLIFFHANGER, MUAHAHAHAHA. I know it's taken me WAY to long to update, but it mainly because in the summer I didn't know how to put together some really good ideas that I had for this story into a good plot, but when I did I would write them and try to continue the chapter until I feel that I wrote enough to satisfy your reading pleasures, but then I couldn't continue to write because I had to go back to school and actually had to interact with society other than my close friends and family, but a other problem was that I started to deal with severe depression over the summer so it was hard to deal with trying to stay happy for others and bull shit from others and looniness over the summer, but I tried my best to update and keep my responsibility to the people whom read my story. Also if you read these little rants of mine, than I am very grateful.

-Crazy Shiper

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