Gray X Lucy (np)

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Gray: wut the [censored]?

Lucy: uhm... I don't think so, Author chan.

Juvia and Natsu: NOOOOOOOOO

Wendy: Charle get me out of here!

Charle: I'm sorry, Wendy, but for some reason my wings don't work!

Pantherlily: nor mine.

Happy: mine don't either.

Freed: there seems to be an anti magic barrier around the guild. Also, i have recovered.

Bickslow: yayyy! Cheer formation, babies!

Babies: go! Go! Go Freed!

Author chan: [i always thought that was a bit obnoxious]

Levy: oh...

Lucy: who are you talking to?

Cana: i think it's only me, Wendy, Mira, Levy and Ezra who can hear you Author chan.

Lucy: nope nope nope i am not talking to Author chan any more.

Mira san: AHAHAHAHA! 😂

Word count: 124 words.

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