minerva x yukino (np)

729 2 2

Minerva: uhm... I'm not, like, totally dismissing the idea, just asking, but, who comes up with this stuff?!

Author chan: me, the comment section, the internet, youtube, people.

Yukino: =~= ...waaaaaaaaaaaaat?

Mira san: you know some people ship this.

Wendy: Author chan, do you really ship all this?

Author chan: I am open to all ships. Except for the stupid ones like Erchiya. Echiya deserves to be forever alone.

Gray: agreed.

Erza: ICHIYAAAAAAA! *faints*

Jellal: Erza! *catches her*


Sting: Yukino mine.

Rogue: Sting please use proper english.

sitndg: nejdaver

Author chan: halp.

Word count: 95 words.

Fairy tail reacts to shipsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang