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  • Dedicated to Syble Napier

And as the silver bullet pierced her lover's heart, the queen did not scream. Her knees met the forest ground, hand on her stomach as she stared blankly at the corpse in front of her. Her husband was no longer in that body. Empty eyes stared at her, his last words playing in her grief stricken mind.

Protect them.

She looked up at the lame hunter who had just slain her betrothed, his face slashed, ears bleeding and yet a smile graced his horrid face.

"I will let you and your future children live, but take this as a warning," he tipped the broken woman's head up to meet his vicious stare, "we do not want your kind here. Stay in your realm, rule over your people. But do not step foot into this realm for any reason." And as the gray haired man hobbled away with his children trailing behind him, the queen vowed to kill them all. She clutched her swollen belly, swearing on the corpse of her fallen kismet that she would protect her children. They would bathe in the blood of the lames. 


The queen's sister had usurped her, ridiculed her for her madness and sudden descent into darkness. The queen had been aware that the realm hadn't been divided since the Great War but she'd needed to take reckless actions to ensure her victory against the hunters.

She didn't regret anything she'd done, not even as her sister and her sister's kismet stood over her with iron pressed into her throbbing temple.

"You will stay in this part of the realm," her sister's breath was tinged with blood, "and you will never leave. If you even entertain the thought of stepping foot into Otherworld or one of the seven realms again, I will slay you. That is a promise." The world around them shimmered as her promise sealed.

"And what of my babes? Are they confined here along with me? Will they be punished for my crimes?" Her sister glanced back at her kismet and he nodded, a tightness in his expression that the usurped queen wasn't used to. Her sister took a deep breath before facing her with a hardened gaze.

"I slaughtered them."

And for the second time in as many years, the dethroned queens world fell apart. She narrowed her eyes at her sister, the woman who had supported her for so long but now only viewed her as the enemy. She did not scream, she did not cry, instead she allowed the hatred she felt to consume her. To turn her into something wholly new. Her sister's kismet sensed the change in the air and took a step forward.

"Do not look at me like that," the child murderer continued, ignorant to what was going on inside of the queen, "you are raising them to align their paths with darkness." Silver tears streaked both entities' faces, pained for different reasons as they reflected on the crimes they committed and could never undo. Only one of them was capable of remorse, while the other found only justification for her actions. She would do it all again, and she would be freed from this prison of her sister's making.

"So you did away with them?" Her voice cracked as she spoke the words aloud. The hatred blinded her. She did not realize her sister had been pulled back by her betrothed, she did not feel the wall sealing her into the realm going up. All she knew was rage, bloodlust, and agony.

"I did what I had to do to protect the seven realms." The new queen shivered, watching as light faded from her sister's eyes. Replaced by something that sent ice dancing in her veins. "You know as well as I, that the girl would have torn us all apart."

As the last of the rage consumed the disheartened woman she lunged for her sister, but was met with only an invisible wall. She clawed at it, blood streaking from her fingers as she screamed and snarled. She had everything taken from her, there was nothing else to lose. She was going to burn the entire realm down, all of them, in revenge for both her Kismet and her children. 

The exiled queen wailed, her corner of the realm dissenting into darkness. Creatures rose from her hatred and grief, forming a circle around the woman and wailing with her. She had nothing left, so she would make something new. Something terrifying.


The new queen retreated, back into the safety of her throne. Guilt threatening to eat her alive.

It was for the seven realms she told herself, but doubt crawled into her mind and took root there.

"My queen," a Nymph swam to the corner of the infinity pool and eyed the new queen, who had chosen to identify as the queen of light as her sister had taken on the mantle of queen of darkness, "the children have made it to the 6th realm and have been placed in the care of a lame couple."

"Have the Lames been mesmerized?"

"Yes." The nymph swallowed, "They believe they adopted the children from a human couple who passed away in a car accident, the mother during labor, but my lady," The queen of light eyed the Nymph with indifference "The boy has the gleam of mischief in his eye , he is most definitely Eris' son."

"And the girl?"

"The girl is frighteningly strong and we fear she already possesses the abilities of her mother and Cerridwen. We do not know what she might do to the humans or their realm without supervision, even unintentionally."

The queen nodded and formulated a plan in her grief stricken mind.


Authors Note: Welcome to the 2023 revamped Howl At Midnight! Thank you for giving it a try, it took me 7 years, blood, sweat, and tears! Enjoy. 

Howl at Midnight// Teen Wolf// Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now