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As I'm finally walking up my driveway after an overly eventful night with Allison, Lydia is just making her way out. She smirks as she sees me and my stomach immediately turns in disgust. I'd been gone for hours but they seemed to have just finished up. I audibly gagged when she got close to me.

"It's been hours." Though the gag had been for the sake of drama my nausea was real.

"We were studying." She says not bothering to hide the lilt to her voice as she walks past me. She whipped her hair over her shoulder, revealing a line of hickeys on her neck. My stomach flopped. Gross.

"Your study sessions would make Dracula jealous." I mumbled but her snicker told me she'd heard me. "Wear makeup on your neck tomorrow!" I'd shouted over my shoulder as my aching feet carried me inside of my house. Everyone around me was in a relationship, or in the beginning stages of one and I couldn't even have a coherent conversation with the object of my affections. Sure, Lydia and Jackson had the weirdest and most sexually charged relationship dynamic of any 16 year old's I knew but a part of them was deeply intertwined. If they got their shit together they could probably rule the world. It would be a relationship similar to the one David and Marie had, sans power struggle. I shook my head clear of thoughts, I didn't want what Jackson and Lydia had. Not by a longshot.

My body had just sunk into my mattress when my room door swung open. Jackson strolled inside as if this room was as much his as it was mine and made himself comfortable on my bed. "You wanna know what I was thinking?" He spoke, not noting my exhaustion or discomfort.

"Not particularly." He shot me a look and I winced momentarily forgetting to go with the flow, "What is it?"

"McCall is probably on drugs." My eyebrows scrunched at his weird accusation. Scott McCall would never. His overtly morally correct compass wouldn't let him. Stiles on the other hand I could see being caught with weed or even the un-prescribed Adderall (despite the fact that he was in fact on Adderall) but not my mother is a nurse and my father is an FBI agent Scott McCall "Steroids to be exact." Jackson turned to face me, his expression wholly serious.

"Oh please," I had to suppress my laugh for fear of bruising his ego, "Not McCall."

"Hear me out,"  He locks eyes with me as if that would emphasize the point he was making, "Last year McCall was so shit at lacrosse that him and his friend,"

"Stiles," I corrected and he narrowed his gaze, "Sorry."

"Stiles," Jackson said his name with disgust and my heart sunk, "and McCall had to be benched all year because they were so bad. Not to forget that McCall is a wheezer so he couldn't play because of his health too." He nodded to himself as if the pieces were fitting together in his head perfectly. "Now he's suddenly catching lacrosse throws and moving so fast I almost didn't see him. It's some kind of physical enhancement drug." I sat with his observations for a moment, Jackson was right, it was a little hard to believe Scott would get that good in only 3 months but it seemed Stiles hadn't improved at all. The two of them did everything together which would include a summer break filled with lacrosse practicing. But steroids still didn't make any sense which means we were both missing the bigger picture.

"Strength enhancing steroids wouldn't help with his asthma though, that would be corticosteroids and I'm pretty sure he knows better than to mix drugs." I tapped my finger against my chin.

"I still think it's some kind of drug." Though he just brushed my point off I could see his brain whirring, trying to find the missing pieces in his puzzle. 

"Okay, what about how I also was suddenly better yesterday?"

He recoiled and his eyes widened, "You're on drugs too?!" He was so loud I fought the urge to cover my ears.

Howl at Midnight// Teen Wolf// Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now