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I had run away to Allison's house. Technically I guess it wasn't running away but after all the glaring from David and unsettling hovering from Marie, I was losing my patience. Mixing that with the bottles of pills that were just popping up around the house, I had chosen peace and begged Allison to let me waste a few hours at her place. She'd happily obliged since her mom was off working and she didn't want to be home alone with her father. Allison still had boxes all around her room, she insisted that she was going to unpack them but I had the sneaking suspicion that she was anxiously waiting for her dad to say she was moving yet again. She couldn't get attached if she didn't unpack. Allison threw her sugared popcorn at the screen hitting Bill Compton straight in the face. I'd convinced her to watch True Blood with me, a guilty pleasure of mine. Mostly because of Eric Northman, but the plot was good too.

"Booo!" She yelled, flinging more popcorn. "Boooo!"

"What are you booing? She reminds him of what it's like to have a human heart." I gushed a little at his sentiment but Allison just kept booing.

"He is so very clearly using her, she has some kind of power that he needs."

I gasped, "Bill Compton is a gentleman! He would never! Plus, Sookie's only ability is reading minds."

"She most definitely isn't human, it's so obvious." Allison rolled her eyes at the show and threw more popcorn as the couple began to kiss.

"How would you know?"

"Nothing gets past these keen Argent eyes. Master detective runs in my blood." She smiled confidently before a giggle tore through, it was my turn to roll my eyes. "I can tell you don't believe me so let's make a bet."

"Sure, just because I want to see you be wrong."

"By the end of season two they're going to reveal just exactly what Sookie is, and that Bill knew the entire time. If I'm right you have to tell Stiles how you feel." My stomach plummeted as I gaped at her.

"That feels extreme," She eyed me expectantly, "Fine, whatever." Her mouth tilted up and I shook my head, she was determined to make me suffer. I'd only agreed because I knew I was right, there was no way Sookie could have powers too. Too many supernatural creatures in such a small town was going to overwhelm the plot. "At the end of Season 2 Bill and Sookie will be happy in a relationship and Sookie will remain the mind-reading human she's always been. If I'm right," I leaned back against her headboard, there was nothing I wanted from Allison. She was a great friend, things with Scott seemed to be going well for her, I couldn't think of a single thing. "If I'm right you'll stay my friend until we're both old and gray."

Allison's eyes widened, "Is that it?"

"Is wanting us both to live long happy lives together, too much for you?" I stuck out my hand and she shook her head, a tentative smile on her face before she took it. 

"I guess if you win I'll have to live a long life won't I?" I gave her a look but she just shrugged, "Now I'm kind of rooting for you." The moment soured quickly, as I remembered Allison's worry that she wouldn't make it past her teenage years. I swallowed thinking of something to say to her, but my mind emptied. What do you say to convince someone they would live? I didn't want to make empty promises even if I personally saw Allison growing old with Lydia and I. Allison picked up the remote and shut the television off causing me to shout in protest. She turned to me, her morbid expression replaced by one of excitement. The tension in my shoulder's melted. "I want to get to know you better."


Allison laughed, "You and Lydia have both been so kind to me and despite the fact that it's only been like a week you guys are calling me your best friend." I nodded my head in agreement. "But I barely know anything about either of you."

Howl at Midnight// Teen Wolf// Stiles StilinskiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora