Ant and Dec- Into the Jungle part 1

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This is set in 2017 after the last I'm A Celebrity where Scarlett Moffatt was crowned the Queen of the Jungle .This is just after Christmas and before Saturday Night Takeaway .

Ant and Dec are packing their bags for what seems like a unmissable week ahead.

"Its gonna be weird being in there rather than presenting it , eh Ant ?"

" Yeah Dec but there is nothing to worry about because we know all the guys and Joe and Vicky are gonna be presenting this one so it will kinda be like a weird version of I'm A Celeb Extra Camp, won't it?" 

As the boys head to the familiar studio, the nerves start getting to them . At one point they have to hold hands, both shaking. When the arrive they have short interview which will be broadcast before they are shown in the jungle, and then they head down to Croc Creek, changing into their clothes and getting rid of any Contraband items. They start setting up a fire, sleeping bags and other items, and then they sit down round the lit campfire.

" Wow. I didn't realise how hard it already is , and we have only been here a hour"

"Yeah. I hope we like the people they are putting in with us"

"Dec you are worrying again mate. Do you think they would put us in here with someone we don't like and expect us to live with them for a week without wanting out ?"

"Good point. I wonder when Joe and Vicky will be down?"

"I'm sure it will be soon Ant . I hope they will bring the other people down with them. Who do you think it might be?"

"I have a sneaking suspicion that Stephen might want to be in here as he was asking me about the show while we were doing the auditions for BGT and he was wanting to know a lot about it"

"Yeah Dec I think you might be right cos he was questioning me about it too"

Finally after about another hour , Joe Swash and Vicky Pattison walk down the route that Ant and Dec would take normally and exchange greetings with the boys, asking how they are and how weird it is to be on the other side.

"so Ant and Dec" said Joe , turning on the presenter side of him "You have come into the jungle to raise £500,000 for Comic Relief which is massive. Every day you will complete either a Dingo Dollar challenge or a Bushtucker Trial with one other chosen celebrity or each other and if you make it to the end of the week, you will have completed the challenge"

"would you like to meet your campmates" Vicky continued, directing the question towards the boys. "Yep" they both replied, eager to see who it is, hoping that they would get along with them.

"We are going to have a little bit of competition." Joe said

"We are going to give you three clues, and you can have a guess who will be joining you here" Vicky exclaimed.

"So first clue" Joe said, with a mischievous gleam in his eye. " She is a popular presenter in America and you have worked with her in the past. Second clue , she is around the same age as you. Third clue, she is one of the people that Dec famously kissed. Do you think you know who it is ?"

"I have no idea, do you Ant?"

"Nope. Wait . You couldn't . You got her didn't you?"

Vicky and Joe nodded, confirming Ant's suspicions while laughing at Dec's confusion.

"It's the very beautiful, lovely, Cat Deeley!!!"

The boys ran to the path their old co-host appeared from, with a huge grin on her face. They hugged and walked with her back to the fire, where Vicky and Joe were waiting.

"So Cat how is everything doing?" Vicky asked

"Everything is great at the moment"

"And how do feel about spending a week with Ant and Dec ?"

" I think it will be interesting but I have spent a lot of their early career as presenters with them so I think we will be fine together" And with a cheeky wink towards Ant , who was sitting on the other side of Dec, they both proceeded to tickle Dec. This seemed that this was a thing they have always done. As they do this Dec repeatedly squeals 'No!'. After this Joe continues the guessing game.

"Okay guys are you ready to guess who your other campmate will be"

"Yes" The boys reply, clearly excited about who they have picked , both racking their brains for who it might be.

"first clue" Vicky says "She is a lover of SM:TV Live . Second clue, she is now a UK celebrity , made famous for being on a popular TV programme. Third clue, she has met you very recently"

Joe asked the boys "Do you have any idea who it is?"

"yes" Dec replied even though Ant had no idea.

" Who do you think you campmate is?"

"Is it Scarlett Moffatt?" Dec said

"Yes it's the latest Queen of the Jungle and one of the newest members of the Saturday Night Takeaway team, it is Scarlett Moffatt!!!"

The boys and Cat walk towards the same path that Cat came out of , to meet Scarlett , who is slightly starstruck by seeing her favourite teenage presenters all in front of her.

After a quick chat between the four celebs, they go to sit round the fire and Vicky starts to talk to Scarlett.

"So Scarlett, how do you feel about coming back into the jungle ?"

"it feels great and I wouldn't rather be doing it with anyone else but my childhood idols!"

To Be Continued...

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