Ant and Dec - Into the Jungle Part 2

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"So campmates, you will be facing your first bushtucker trial soon , but this requires only two people" continued Joe "We will let you decide who will be going, but keep in mind that all the trials and Dingo Dollar challenges are ones the last two sets of campmates have done , so that is the lot from 2015 and 2016. When you have made your choice, please make your way to the Bushtucker trial clearing"

As Joe and Vicky walked away , the campmates started to confer amongst themselves ,trying to decide who would go to face the first trial. 

" Maybe I should do it" Said Cat

"No I want to do it" retorted Scarlett , wanting to show that she is living up to what she says she is.

" Maybe I should do it" Said Dec , trying to overpower the girls, trying to obtain leadership.

While this argument unfolds , Ant sits back and watches and listens to the argument , trying to think who would be the best to do this. Finally after a lot of bickering, Ant steps in and says his part, quite unexpectedly , without warning.

"I think me and Dec should do this. I think as the trial needs two people, it will probably be a partner task. Dec and me will probably do the best at this."

After this philosophical comment, they all decide that Ant and Dec will do the trial. The boys refill their water bottles and head to the familiar clearing.

They arrive at the clearing to be greeted by Joe and Vicky who ask them again how they are doing and what are their feelings toward having Cat and Scarlett in with them.

"So boys, as we said, we are going to be using one of the trials from either 2015 or 2016." Said Vicky " This challenge is one of the trials I did personally, and it is The Terrible Tombola!!!"

The boys groan , remembering the trial and how disgusting it was.

"So boys" continued Joe, "You will be strapped into this giant tombola machine and as you already know, you will be spun around with 40 numbered balls and will be given 30 seconds to answer the question by catching the ball with the answer but of course you will be joined by a few more friends as well. There are 4 questions in total. Are you ready?"

"yes we are" replies Dec , after nodding to Ant

"Right then lets get started!!!"

The boys first hug each other in a loving embrace , more like a lovers hug than a friends hug and are rigged up by the crew.

"Right, we are going to start with2,000 crickets and 5,000 meal worms in there with you" said Vicky.

As they are emptied in, Ant has to close his eyes and mouth as he is on the bottom.

"right start spinning!!!"

The tombola starts to spin, sending the crickets and 40 numbered balls into a frenzy. Ant and Dec are occasionally groaning in displeasure every time the insects are thrown on to them.

" So first question, when you released ' Tonight I'm Free' , what was the highest position in the charts it reached?"

"oh my god!!!??" Dec exclaimed

"It was pretty low down, wasn't it?" Ant replied

"Yeah.... "

After a few more spins , they still did not have an answer.

"Right time is up! What is your answer?"

"Dec , trust me on this"

Ant went and picked up a ball numbered 62 and pushed it through a tube. Vicky picked it up.

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