Part 5

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Part five

Day four, about 2 o'clock

The celebs headed back to their camps , Snake Rock expecting a Banquet and Croc Creek expecting basic rations.

"You know it isn't that hard for me to be in here because everyone that is in I know!" said Holly on the way back to camp.

"Yeah, because, so far , I have been with you and Ant and its not been too bad , don't you agree Ant?" said Philip

"Yeah" said Ant , thinking only how he was missing Dec . The side Dec normally stood on felt weird without him, and even though he had spent 2 weeks without him when he went on holiday, it was heart breaking to be going through this experience without him.

When the campmates from Croc Creek returned , Dec sat down and started to think about Ant. All he could think about was Ant. About how much he wanted to talk to him right now about how hard it is.

"Oh. My. God" Holly screamed.

There was a long table in the middle of camp with fresh bread , a whole stack of meat, vegetables, salad, pasta .It looked glorious. When they sat down, Ant found a laminate card on his plate. Holly and Philip had started to dig in, devouring the food. When Ant read the card, his face fell.

"What's wrong?" said Holly , noticing a change in mood from Ant.

"It's this card , it says we will two people from Croc Creek to come and be our servants and clean up for us here after we have finished the meal. The people down at Croc Creek will decide who ill come up"

"Oh." Replied Phil, seeming to lose his appetite immediately.

At Croc Creek , they had got a card saying they had to send two people up to Snake Rock to clean up after the winners from eating their banquet. Cat and Scarlett both volunteered, knowing that it would be awkward for Dec to be up there, tending to Ant's needs. They also realised that Dec seemed to want some time alone, and the last thing they wanted to do is deprive him of that. Although, deep down, he wanted to go just to see his friend, he held it in him and let the girls go up to the camp.

As the girls walked up to the camp, they got chatting about Dec.

"Dec seems really distant since Ant left camp." Said Scarlett

"Well, y'know , they are soulmates basically. You haven't been around them enough to know this, but I think that ifthey were both gay, they would totally go out 100%"

"Yeah , it shows on TV as well though because a lot of the gags they put in that involve each other and that normally means commenting on Dec's height, Ant's forehead or how camp Dec is."

"True but I wonder why Dec didn't want to come up here and see Ant?"


As the girls arrived at the camp, they found that Philip was sleeping, Holly was dozing and Ant was also between sleep and being awake.

"Hi girls, how ya doing?" said Ant

"Fine. I heard we had to do some chores for you" said Scarlett

"yeah the plates are down at the creek. We thought the least thing we could do is take them down there"

"Okay. Anything else need washed?"

"No don't think so"

"Okay we'll go get on with that "

After the girls had washed the dishes and left, the sun had slipped below the horizon and everyone , one by one fell into a dreamless sleep, except Ant and Dec, who were thinking about each other.

Ant and Dec - Into the JungleWhere stories live. Discover now