Part 6

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Day 6 part 6

When they woke, they found that that Scarlett had gone , bags and all.

"Where is Scarlett?" said Dec

"Dunno.Did anyone hear anything in the night?" said Holly

"Nope" They all replied

They were all missing Scarlet as they all saw her as a younger sister, doing silly things and winding everyone up The camp was missing an energy and a mood that it had previously. The mood was dull and depressing .Little did they know that Holly had been told that one of them must leave camp with all their things and be seen by no one. They were to head to the trial clearing. Neither Holly or Scarlett knew the reason.

As they decided to make breakfast, Scarlett arrived at the clearing to be greeted by a obviously bored Joe and Vicky.

"So Scarlett you have come here for a mission. If you complete this task, you will win 6 meals for camp tonight. Are you up for it?"

"Course. Anything for food!"

"So, you need to recruit Holly and tell her everything. You must disable the shower and empty the water cans when they have just been filled. Then you must also hide 3 pieces each of Ant and Dec's possessions in Philip's bag. For every task you complete you will win two meals for camp and if you or Holly are caught you sacrifice the two meals for that challenge. Is this all clear?"


"Are you ready?"


"off you go"

And on that note, Scarlett started to make her way back to camp her hands trembling and the hairs on the back of her neck were on end, but she was jumpy and excited and ready to eat well tonight.

When she returned , everyone questioned her on where she had been. Scarlett replied with "Health reasons" and no one questioned it further.

Later on , while everyone was either talking or asleep, she said she would be going to the washing and if anyone needed their washing done and if anyone would join her. Fortunately, Holly came down with her to help and Scarlett told her the challenge as they scrubbed.

"So we have to empty the water cans, hide some stuff of Ant and Dec's and disable the shower without being caught?" said Holly , under her breath

"Yeah. Otherwise we don't eat tonight" whispered Scarlett

"Well we could disable the shower just now while we are down here as it would be suspicious if we did it later"

"Yeah but how?"

"Well why don't we go up there and see if there is a pipe or something"

Luckily when they got there there was no one in sight . They climbed on top of the piece of rock that was above the shower (which was no easy task) and found , under some very overgrown leaves and weeds, a small green wheel.

"Well it seems like it turns off the shower" said Holly

"I'll just try it" said Scarlett

And as she twisted the wheel, the sound of water had stopped and the only sound coming from the shower was a slow drip which was the residual water making its way down the pipe.

The girls gave each other a high five and quickly got down and returned to washing the clothes. When they were finished they made their way up to camp, where it was very quiet and the mood was very dull. Ant, Cat and Philip were asleep and Dec was sitting down, staring into the fire but his mind very far away.

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