Step 02: Create Goals & How To Achieve Them

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"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." 

~ Buddha


Penelope's Reachable Goals & How To Achieve Them

- Long, luscious curls.

- Apply makeup with ease and professionalism.

- Thread eyebrows and be able to fill them in when needed.

- Beg Mom to let me get a nose job...

- ...and lip injections.

- Perfect the art of a dazzling smile.

- Go without using teeth whiteners.

- Use lotion when there's free time.

- Get manicures and pedicures (weekly).

- Learn how to walk with grace and poise.

- Workout everyday.

- Eat less.

- Make body perfect.

- Get the guy.

IMPERMANENCE || ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ