Log #3: Posture & Exercise

41 12 2

"Your body hears everything your mind says."

~ Naomi Judd


Goals of The Week: Perfect Posture, Stop Eating, & Exercise Daily

Monday - Didn't eat anything except for a granola bar for lunch and water throughout the day. Went on the treadmill at home for two hours.

Tuesday - Said hello to Andrew today. He asked me if I wanted to sit at his lunch table; I said yes. Ate another granola bar for lunch but didn't eat breakfast or dinner. Sat on my bed with a book on top of my head as I did homework. Went on treadmill for an hour.

Wednesday - Was asked if I was going to eat during lunch by Andrew's guy friends. Said I wasn't hungry. Didn't eat anything the entire day. Made myself sit up straight in all classes. Went out for a hard run for an hour after school.

Thursday - Couldn't get out of bed. Stomach was hurting. Had to stay home from school. Still went on the treadmill for an hour. Did not do anything with posture.

Friday - Went to school with bags under eyes. Put as much concealer on as possible. Ran on the treadmill for 3 hours. Sat up straight in all classes and pushed out my chest when I was standing. 

Saturday - Binged on chips and soda. Made myself throw up. Broke the 5 day streak. Went on the treadmill for 3 and a half hours. Pushed out my chest as I was running.

Sunday - Went to the store to get gum to avoid eating anything. Mom yelled at me when I got home since I haven't been eating well. Ran on the treadmill for 2 hours. Sat with a book on top of my head as I did homework.

Goals Achieved? 

Not all: 2 out of 3 - Ate on Saturday.

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