Log #2: Makeup & Eyebrows

49 11 3

"To be beautiful means to be yourself."

~ Thich Nhat Nahn


Goals of the Week: Learn How to Use Makeup & Get Eyebrows Threaded

Monday - Argued with Mom. She said I was too young for makeup and that I was already beautiful but I know that Mom was lying. I have to find a way to get makeup.

Tuesday - Skipped school and walked to the nearest convenience store and bought myself makeup. The assistant that worked at the store helped me find what worked for my skin.

Wednesday - Mom got a call from the school saying that I was truant yesterday. Told Mom that I just needed some fresh air...for the entire day. Got grounded.

Thursday - Went to school with my hair curled and my makeup tucked away in my bag. Did my makeup at school like the assistant taught me how to do and was pleased with the overall product. Andrew still isn't talking to me, but I know he looked at me today.

Friday - Same thing as yesterday, but came home to an empty house. Mom sent a text telling me to help myself with the spaghetti on the stove. Took a chunk of the spaghetti and threw it in the bushes outside the house. I have to watch what I eat.

Saturday - Sneaked out of the house while Mom was still sleeping. Called a taxi and went to the mall to get eyebrows threaded. Got home and was yelled at by Mom. Double grounded - whatever that means.

Sunday - Slept in to get beauty rest. Didn't get up until noon. Watched TV until Mom told me that being grounded meant that I couldn't watch TV.

Goals Achieved?


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