Log #4: Get the Guy

44 15 4

"You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful."

~ Amy Bloom


Goal of the Week: Andrew

Monday - Got asked out by Andrew; will be going to the movies on Saturday. Got manicure after school. Didn't eat anything. 

Tuesday - Almost fainted during History. Forced by my teacher to go to the nurse who told me to drink water, then sent me back to class. Didn't eat anything. 

Wednesday - Felt weak throughout the day. Didn't eat. 

Thursday - 

Friday - 

Saturday - 

Sunday - Had to go to hospital on Thursday. Fainted in class, and teacher called an ambulance. Didn't remember much about the next few days in the hospital, but was told that I had lost twenty-two pounds in a month's span, and was given the disorder of 'Anorexia'. Am now packing belongings in order to go to rehab. Found out that Andrew asked another girl out. 

Goal Achieved? 

No; must discontinue project. 

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