Yes Boss!- 3

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Chapter 3: In which she runs out of beginners luck

Monday morning I made sure to check the weather in the news before going out of my house. And although it said sunny during the day and partly cloudy in the afternoon, I took an umbrella with me just to be extra careful. Because who wants a repeat of the previous day, right?

Beginners luck seemed to be on my side since I was able to catch the bus right on time. I reached my new office at exactly 8.30am and rushed to the elevator, which too, surprisingly, was less crowded than usual. Reaching my floor, I headed straight for Tina, who kindly showed me my new cabin and gave me directions to the cafeteria.

Placing my bag in the cabin, I looked around and saw that most of the room was completely empty. It was a normal sized room with a computer desk and revolving chair and a file cabinet but nothing else for supplies and the file cabinet was empty too. There were two doors, the first, through which I had entered, leading to the hallway, and the second, as Tina had pointed out, led to my "boss's" office.

I looked at the clock on the wall and gasped. 8. 49 Am. "Shit!" I yelped. "Coffee!"

Rushing out the door, I jumped into the elevator and went straight to the cafeteria. Again I was saved by my beginner's luck as the last person left as soon as I arrived and the area around the coffee machine was completely empty. Grabbing a black coffee from the coffee machine, I again dashed to the elevator and three floors up to Nathan's office.

Opening the door I ran to the table and placed the coffee on top of it, along with a napkin, breathing a sigh of relief just as the door opened to reveal Nathan in a black suit and grey silk shirt. He looked perfect in whatever he wore, as always and it made me want to slap myself for thinking that my boss was hot. This wasn't high school anymore and the humongous crush I had harbored for him during that time has to go. This was real life and real life is shittier than movies make them out to be.

"Good morning, boss!"I said cheerfully, wiping my sweaty palms on my black dress pants. I wore a cream colored, full sleeved blouse with it and my hair was in a long pony tail. I wasn't informed if pencil skirts were a necessity so I had to make do with pants today.

"Morning, Elena..." he gave me a skeptic look, which I returned with a bright smile...maybe a bit too bright for everyone's liking. It was a Monday morning after all.

"Ah. You got me coffee, "Nathan said amused. I grit my teeth; some people never change, do they? During school it would sometimes be caramel latte and now I'll have to fetch him coffee every fucking day of the week.

"So...what is my first assignment going to be...boss?" I asked sweetly.

Nathan took his sweet time sitting in his own plush red chair and taking a slow drag of his coffee. " see that cabinet over there?" he asked pointing to an old metal cabinet in a corner of the room. I nodded yes. "I need you to shift all its belongings to the cabinet you have in your room. You have an hour."

My jaw drops to the ground. What. The. Hell? "You want me to remove ALL the files from that cabinet in your office, over to the one in my an hour...all by myself?" I tried really, really hard not to yell at him.

"Why Elena, is there a problem?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Of course not, boss!" I said through gritted teeth, still managing to keep a sickly sweet smile on my face. But in my mind I kept repeating, 'You need this job Elle'; 'It's all part of the plan'. So what if the boss you're currently working under is a rich, arrogant jerk who thinks my job isn't just being his secretary but his personal mover as well? Everything will be fucking fine.

So much for beginners luck. Nathan Synclair, you are going to die by my hands one day, mark my words, I swore in my mind before getting to work on the cabinet promptly.

Within the next hour, I had cursed Nathan to death a million times and in a million different ways. At first it was out of spite, but then I realized that it provided a perfect distraction from the heavy task at hand and it motivated me to work faster. And boy were the files old and dirty! Did he ever let a cleaning crew into his office? He had to have or the tables and chairs wouldn't be so shiny. Now I knew why my cabin had an empty cabinet and why Nathan Synclair was in need of a secretary.

By the end of the hour, I was almost done putting the files in the last rack of my cabinet and Satan was just about to skin him alive, when my office phone started ringing. Startled, I dropped the files from my hand.

"Fuck!" Cussing a few more colorful words and picking the files back up, I answered the call with a sweet tone, while in reality; I wanted to strangle whoever was on the other side of the line. By now my clean clothes were covered in inches of dirt and my hands fucking hurt from all the heavy lifting.

"Mr. Synclair's secretary speaking," I said into the speaker.

"In my office. Now." And the call ended. I groaned.

Unwillingly, I went in, only to be handed another pile of work. This time, he handed me a bunch of passwords both personal and work related and asked me to go on every website and personally change them into something that could easily be remembered and something that cannot be hacked into. For an instant I was tempted to use the names of all of Nathan's ex's for the passwords but the joke would be lost on him if he doesn't even remember any of their names. Well, if he doesn't remember Marissa or Tiffany, then he is bound to forget the others since the two of them had been his longest running relationships. Marissa had lasted three whole months while Tiffany had made it to two and half. I'm kinda surprised he remembered me at all! I mean, I was just the quiet little nerd that he liked to bully into doing his homework and stuff...

By the time my work was over, I was drop dead tired and wanted nothing more to do than get home and fall asleep for an entire year. I hadn't even have time for lunch. When Tina had come to ask me if I would like to join her, I had to politely decline her offer.

Throughout the day, I had to sort out files from the previous 3years according to their date of signing and then again by date of completions. I had to also sort out the files that hadn't yet been completed and go through them in order to get up to date with everything that were going on in the company. Then I had to plan the entire week for him, without any help for him about pre-scheduled meetings and other shitty stuff like that. Thankfully, Tina had helped me with most of them so that I don't overlap meetings or write the wrong dates. Lastly, I had to call a bunch of high society pigs and a bunch of reporters for a product launch. And guess who wasn't even invited to the cocktail party? Yup. Little old me!

"Is there anything else I can do for you...boss?" I was gritting my teeth so hard that I feared breaking them and it was just my first day.

It was already six thirty in the evening and Nathan was showing no signs of getting up from that red leathered chair of his. He was currently going through the planner that I'd set for him and adding tiny retouches to the plans as he went. I had a notepad in my hand that I was using to scribble down everything that he told me to pen down. I was a fast writer anyways so it wasn't that difficult for me to keep up with him and Nathan was practically speed reading through the whole planner.

"Yes," he said as my face fell. "I need you send three emails for Barns contract and also catch up with Mr. Cantinava's Secretary for their project and if they want to make any specific changes to their contract. And I want you to make reservations for two at the Golden Inn at seven."

I noted down everything he asked me to do before turning to him once again, only this time, Nathan was looking directly at me with a smile on his face. "Anything else?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"I want you to have dinner with me".


Oooh! What do we have here? A dinner date?

Hope you like this chapter! 


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