Yes Boss! - 8

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Chapter 8-In which she is a little too late.

"I knew you'd call me," she said smugly.

"I'm surprised you remember me at all," I said, leaning back on my seat.

"Sweetheart! I remember everyone," she said with a wink; I gave her a pointed look. "Okay, fine. Everyone that's going on their first day of work...which I admit is not very often."

I stare at her as she drives her taxi to my home town. It's the first time that I actually have a proper look at her. Apple red hair, a cute heart shaped face and a nice slender body; she looks quite beautiful even in a plain white shirt and black pants. I mean, really beautiful. Even the baggy driver's uniform couldn't hide her curves. Her eyes on the other hand were a beautiful shade of pale blue, rather than the green most redheads seem to have.

"Done checking me out?" She looks at me sideways and winks.

"Eyes on the road, Muffin! And I was just thinking, with your looks, you could've been a model. Why drive a taxi?" I asked her, angling my body towards her in the passenger seat so we could converse better.

"Well, I could be, but I honestly don't have it in me to stand in front of the camera all day just so a bunch of horny freaks can ogle at me." She fake shudders and then pouts her lips as if trying to find the right explanation. "I guess I like being a taxi driver because it kinda feels good to help people reach their know!"

"You mean, like suppose the Mayor gets in your taxi and goes to the Town Hall to give a life changing speech, you would feel like he couldn't have reached there without you?" I raised an eyebrow at her as she shrugs.

"Yeah, I guess." She glared at me as I sniggered. " Ok Miss Judgy, and what kind of a nickname is Muffin?"

I blush at that. "Well...when my mom was alive, she would make these really cute apple flavored muffins, but they would actually have beet juice in them to give it that bright red color....and your hair kinda reminds me of that." I said and she burst out laughing.

"Awww! That's so cute!" She laughed as she drove on.

To be honest, I didn't think she would come when I had called her from outside Nate's office. I mean, she's a taxi driver; she was probably busy with other customers. But then she had picked up the phone on the very first ring and told me to sit tight and the next thing I know, she's in front of me within minutes, taking me to my home town at nearly midnight. And me being...well, me, I had poured my heart out to a complete stranger, who had kindly let me rant on and on, without any interruptions until I had vented all my anger out.

"Honey, communication is important." She had said in the end. "You can't just expect people to know everything about you. I agree that your boss was a bit unfair but if he had know about today, then he would've never asked you to come. And besides, think about the bright side! Him calling you today also means that he trusts you with important work and that means he trusts you as a person."

"Or I was the only one whom he could bully into working on a Sunday." I grumbled under my breath because that was the easy answer. I didn't want Nate to get all trusty thirsty on me only to be disappointed in the end. But if I was to influence Nate into running my dear old daddy to the ground, I guess I did need his trust.

"And hereeee...we are!" Nikki said in a singsong voice as she stopped in front of the cemetery.

"Thanks, Nikki!" I exhaled in relief after checking that there were still 5 minutes remaining to midnight.

I was going to open the passenger's door to get down, but stopped and turned towards her. "Will you come with me?"

"To your mother's grave?" Nikki asked looking surprised.

"Come on! Hurry! We have only four minutes left!" I yelled, getting out and running towards the gate, which was locked; as expected at this hour.

"Now what?" I heard Nikki say from behind.

I smirked. "Now...we climb."

Not waiting for her reply, I started climbing the old iron gate, hoisting my dress up to my thighs. Who cares if Nikki saw my undies, we both had the same parts anyways.

But after jumping down from the top of the iron gates, I landed on the other side on my bum with the most unlady-like grace I could master. Nikki however, did a perfect cat like landing beside me and extended her hand to me and helped me up.

"How the hell did you do that?" I asked, impressed.

"Gymnastics. How do you think I got this nice ass?" She gestured to her body with a triumphant smirk.

I rolled my eyes at her and took off running towards my mother's grave and gave a triumphant smirk at Nikki when I saw her huffing and puffing to catch up to me.

"Looks like gymnastics didn't give you enough run time," I said, taking the candles and pastry out of my bag.

I placed the pastry on top of my mother's grave and placed one candle in front of it. "Have you seen my matchbox?" I asked Nikki when I couldn't find it in my bag.

"No, but I have a lighter," she said taking it out of her jeans pocket and handing it over to me.

"Ok, good," I said taking it and finally looked at the time and gasped.


I didn't know how long I just sat there staring at my watch with tears streaming down my face. I was too ashamed to look at my mother's beautiful grave, knowing that I had disappointed her. I was finally snapped out of it when a light flared in front of me.

Looking forward, I saw that the candle in front of the pastry had been lit and Nikki was sitting beside me with her knees pressed to her chest and her hands folded on top of them. I looked at her face to see that she was looking at my mom's headstone.

"It doesn't matter that you were a little too late to reach her on her birthday, that you couldn't be here early in the morning to wish her happy birthday. What really matters is that even after a full day's hard work, that too on a Sunday, you still came to visit her." She looked at me with a gentle smile and wiped the tears from my cheeks. "Even after all the hardships and not having eaten the entire day, you didn't even stop to have dinner but instead, bought a pastry to celebrate your mother's birthday. Your mother would be so proud of you right now. So stop crying like a baby and wish her!"

I laughed despite the situation and pulled Nikki into a tight hug. I was so lucky to have her by my side right now. I was surprised that she, a complete stranger, had become such a good friend in so short a time, while Nathan, someone I knew from High school, didn't even seem to care.

I then turned to my mother's grave, while holding Nikki's hand in mine. "Hey mom, Happy birthday!" I said cheerfully, wiping away my tears."And I would like you to meet my new friend, Nikki. She is a really nice person and a very good friend, even though we've just met. And I want you to know that I'm doing okay now. And I'm sure that you're watching over me, so please keep on doing that because I need your blessing now more than ever. I love you, mom. Always."

We stayed there for some time, wishing my mom Happy Birthday and just admiring her grave. Even though we were in a cemetery in the middle of the night, oddly, it wasn't scary at all. It was quite comforting being near my mom and we lost track of how long we were in there. We were back on our way home at around one in the morning and I sat silently in the passenger's seat while Nikki drove her taxi.

"Why did you turn? Isn't the route back, straight ahead?" I asked Nikki when she took a left turn from the highway as we were heading back to Seattle.

"Because I'm planning on murdering you and I have to dump your body where no one can find it," she said in a deadpan voice to which I widened my eyes in fake horror. "Just kidding! There's a diner around here that stays open all night for night drivers. We're going to have dinner and a big one."

And that's how I knew that no matter what happens, she'll always be here for me. After all, when your new girlfriend buys you dinner, it means she's your friend for life!


Hope you like this chapter. Go over to for the full story because this is the second last chapter that I'm allowed to post here.


Yes Boss! Readict/Radish/Goodnovel/Novelcat SAMPLEWhere stories live. Discover now