Yes Boss!-4

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Chapter 4: In which she is a picky eater.

Back in high school, I was the top nerd of the class. Hence the name, Nerdy Elle.

I was the typical nerd with high scores in math and science and no fashion sense whatsoever, though I never wore the typical baggy jeans and tees, I was more of the skirt and top kinda girl. I was more concerned about getting into the college than losing my virginity to the top jock...which just so happened to be Nathan Synclair.

Although here the phrase 'don't judge a book by its cover' found its useful application. Though a typical dark haired, blue eyed quarterback of the football team, Nathan was also my biggest competition. He had both, a dick and the brains. And yet, that didn't stop him from harassing the hell out of me or making downmarket sexual jokes...or making me do all his homework in exchange for a week free of his nuisances.

So when that same Nathan Synclair (who also happens to be my new oh-so-charming boss) suddenly asked me out to have dinner with's not rocket science what my reaction might have been.

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief, almost dropping the pile of folders in my hand that I had just picked up from his desk, freshly signed and ready to head over to legal.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me the first time," he answered nonchalantly.

"Okay. What's the catch?" I sighed, slamming the folders on his desk, making him raise an eyebrow at me as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Why would there be a catch?" he asked, innocence personified. I raised an eyebrow at him to which he only smirked. "It's just dinner, Elena. Not with any Brittany or Stephaney-"

"Tiffany." I corrected.

"Right." He waved his hands dismissively. "As I was saying, it's just dinner with you and me. Unless, of course, you have other plans?"

I looked at him as if he had just sprouted another head or two. By the length of that smirk on his face, I could tell that he knew very well that I had no other plans and since I had missed lunch this afternoon, my stomach was probably eating itself. Well, it's not a crime to eat dinner with the boss, is it? Especially when he was the one offering it. And besides, I knew Nathan, we are childhood frenemies, more like high school, but you get the point.

" you feel guilty for making me miss lunch?" I asked suddenly as I remembered something.

It's true that Nathan was the dick guy who loved to torment me, still does by the looks of it, but there was this one time when I'd fallen into the pool because his graciousness had thought I'd be a great target for his soccer ball, and had caught a cold, Nathan had actually gotten me medicines and had stopped bullying me for the rest of the month!

"What? I can't feel guilty now?" His spoke with his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched.

"Y-you...haha...fe...hahaha...felt...haha...guilty...hahaha!" I had tears in my eyes and my stomach hurt so much from laughing that I had to clutch my sides. Nathan's scowl deepened.

"Are you done laughing?" he asked as I wiped tears from the corner of my eyes.

"''s just that...", I was breathing heavily even as I spoke, "you made me do your homework for an entire year in return for not teasing me, I don't think you felt an ounce of guilt back then. What changed?"

"I guess I grew up." There was something in his voice that made me halt and look at him. He had that faraway look in his eyes that people often get when they are thinking of serious things.

"Nathan?" I asked frowning and it seemed to have snapped him out of his trance.

"So are you coming or not?" he asked again.

I looked at the clock to see that it was almost seven in the evening. Just thinking about going home and cooking for myself made me cringe. "Okay. But I have to warn you, I'm a very picky eater".

* * *

"You weren't kidding when you said you were a picky eater," Nathan said while looking at me with wide eyes.

"What? I just ordered my dinner," I shrugged, looking at the menu for deserts.

Nathan raised an eyebrow, "And that was?"

"Chicken parmesan without the extra breading and frying and with only the real Parm cheese with roasted vegetables on the side, fried with less olive oil and medium seasoning. That's it. Oh! And a glass of Pinot noir on the side!" I said, surprised that he even asked. Wait. "You don't think I eat too much do you?"

"Um..." Nathan said closing his mouth which was left hanging open after I told him about my order. I frowned. "I mean, no! Of course not".

We had arrived at Café Golden Inn not too long ago and where ushered into a corner table, that I had reserved for us, by a waitress who seemed to be gulping down Nathan with her eyes, but Nathan...surprisingly, looked uncomfortable. Seriously, what happened to the Nathan that I knew and loathed?

Then we were offered menu cards, along with a personal card for Nathan, by the same ogling waitress, who tried miserably to make it seem like she was writing our orders, but in reality was eye raping Nathan with too much pleasure than to my liking. To think that the day would come when I would be protecting Nathan Synclair's virtue (as if he had any), was like looking out the window and watching pigs fly. But I did it anyway...out of the goodness of my heart.

And now here we were, discussing my picky habits while the waitress burned holes in my skull from afar. Like I care.

"Well you don't get to complain anyways. You ordered a medium stake for God's sake! That would take hours to digest. How come you're not fat?" It kinda felt like old times, sitting here in a restaurant and talking with my old enemy, except for the fact that the old enemy of mine is now my boss...who seems to have gotten even hotter than before...if that was even possible.

"You know, there are these places in town where they have a lot of equipments...people go there to stay fit. Ring a bell?" Nathan said deadpan.

My mouth was hanging open in a big 'O' after he finished, so I did the only thing I could...I threw a paper napkin at him, which hit him square in the face. I was ready to burst into another fit of laughter, but it died down as soon as I looked towards the entrance to the restaurant and saw the person being escorted in and all the air left my lungs.

Because striding inside the restaurant like he owned the place was none other than the blonde haired, teal eyed Elijah McKenna. My very own, older twin brother.


Sorry for not updating soon, I was a little caught up. 

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Yes Boss! Readict/Radish/Goodnovel/Novelcat SAMPLEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora