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Stress. The one and only emotion I feel right now – not including the hot, sticky leather on the car seats inside of Jacks automobile. The calm air is silent and still. An uncomfortable silince. Jack remains his eyes peeled directly onto the road. His hands gripping firmly onto the steering wheel and I sitting hunched up in the passenger seat looking out the tinted window.

Half an hour ago was a dreadful nightmare. Jack and I were so extremely close to being caught red handed but thank the ginger gods we weren't.

I honestly don't even want to think about what happened right now. I'll write it down in my diary later. Right now I just want to relax and prepare myself on meeting Jacks friends.

Yes, he invited me to a small gathering to meet his friends. I mean he's met my friends, time for me to meet his. And of course he won't mention I'm one of his students.

Jack pulls up outside a small house and the both of us head to the front door. Jack slithers his arm around my waist and smiles at me. He notices my look of discomfort.

"Hey Sam, everything is going to be alright. We'll be more careful. I promise."

I loosen up a little at Jacks reassuring words and he tightens his grip around my waist pulling me closer. I love the feeling of his arm around my waist. It makes me feel safe, like he's protecting me.

"Aye Gilinsky my man! Good to see you." The front door swings open revealing what must be one of Jacks friends.

"Good to see you too, Nate." Jack grins widely and the two of them do some basic bro handshake thing.

"And I see you have a new girl. Done with Georgina?" Nate teases playfully. Georgina. I don't even want to hear her name. "Sup I'm Nate but people call me skate. And you must be.. Stephanie? Jaclyn? No.. Mila?" Nate chuckles nudging Jack with his elbow – attempting on being funny but failing very very miserably. My shoulders slump with every name escaping from his mouth. How many girls has Jack done 'this' with. What if I'm not the only girl he's having sex with in class? I look over to Jack waiting for his response but his eyes are fixated to the ground, avoiding my glance.

"No, this is Sam, but hey let's just get inside, it's cold." Jack quickly avoids that icky situation and we enter inside the house.

I am immediately enveloped with a strong scent of marijuana. Uhm. What kind of friends does Jack have? Jerks, druggos and a horny teacher? Nice combo.

We walk into the living room where a bunch of 20 something year-olds sit on a few couches. There's about 3 guys and 2 girls - who look way way prettier than me. I slide my head down, evaluating my own outfit. A scruffy Adidas hoodie with ripped jeans and some sneakers. I look like trash compared to these girls! I'm starting to regret ever agreeing to come here with Jack.

"Hey sorry about before." Jack whispers to me as we sit down together. I just nod and don't say anything to start an argument.

"Hey guys. This is Sam and Sam this is Nate, Jack J, Sammy, Madison, and Stassie." Jack smiles introducing me to everyone. I smile at them all and mumble a quiet and shy 'hi'. To say I feel intimidated is an understatement. I feel belittled. After finding out Jack is basically a man whore and possibly slept with other girls at my school, all I want to do is to go directly home and watch Netflix.. And eat ice cream. But that will just have to wait.

"So Sam how'd you meet Jack? You look a little young for him." The girl Madison speaks up giving me a rude, bitchy stare. I gulp shyly and prepare myself for what will leave my lips.

"We met at a teaching conference. Sam is new to the whole teaching thing. She's actually one of the student teachers at the school I'm working at right now." Jack quickly takes over, which I'm glad he did but, everything has to be a lie.. I wish we could just say the truth but that is simply not an option.

"Cute." Madison sarcastically remarks, playing with her perfect hair with her long manicured finger nails.

I stand from my seat abruptly and turn to face Nate.

"Where is your bathroom?" I force a smile.

"Down the hall to the right."  Nate grins from his slouched position - with a blunt in his mouth. Oh how I want to grab it and throw it out the window. I nod in response and hurry to the room. I quickly shut the door and lock it, then slide down the white painted wall.

I don't want to be here at all. They all seem so rude and I feel like I don't even know who Jack is anymore. Well I guess we never got the chance to, really. We just have sex and that's it. But. Maybe I want more than sex. Maybe I actually want a relationship with Jack. What if I have real feelings for Jack?

What if I actually love him.


Hey! Sorry for the long waittt. I got writers block and couldn't think of anything.. But yay I updated! I really hope you guys like this chapter and comment what you think :) And don't worry I'll explain what happened from the last chapter soon :))

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