twenty eight

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"Sam! Why aren't you out of bed, you've got to be at school in 10 minutes!" My mother yells, entering my wild bedroom. It was a jungle. My clothes from last night were scattered across every part of my bedroom floor, leaving my mum to tiptoe over to where I peacfully lay. She rips off my duvet leaving me in shorts, a singlet and plain bare skin. I shudder as a gust of cold strikes my exposed body.

"I'm sickkk." I muffle back, with my face stuffed into the surface of my pillow. Which was obviously a lie. I might not be physically sick, but I'm sick of all this bull shit. I mainly just don't want to see Jack. Or Dan. Or anyone for that matter. Yesterday was the worst day of my life. All I want is to sleep, I don't want to think about anything or anyone.

"Are you sure?" My hesitant mother asks with disbelief in her voice. I look up at her, towering over me. Her usual pencil skirt and blazer with a hot cup of coffee in one hand. Ready to leave out the front door. I inwardly groan from my mother not believing me already.

"Yes I feel terribleeee." I moan, clutching onto my stomach for dramatic effect.

"Oh alright then. Drink lots of water and I'll see you when I get home." My mother finally gives in. She gives me a quick kiss on my forehead and rushes out of my bedroom in a hurry to get to her work on time.

Hearing the front door close down stairs causes me to release a deep breath I didn't even realise I was holding in.

I crawl out from my bed to my cellphone which was chucked over to the other side of my bedroom. Curtesy of myself.

As soon as I grab my phone I notice the many notifications I have piled up. From my friends, twitter, ... Kelsey?

But, obviously I cannot be bothered checking them. Right now, all I want is sleep. I move my body into a comfortable position on my bed. The blankets are floating on top of my petite body as my eyes slowly droop down. I can feel my body about to flick into sleep mode, getting more and more sleepy.


Why the hell is someone knocking on my door this early? Also, why are they knocking? We have a doorbell.

My eyes stay firmly shut, hoping whoever is at my door would fade away.


This time my eyes burst open, ready to kill. Ugh.

I get out of bed and put my pink fluffy dressing gown on, with the knocking still on repeat, I make my way towards the front door.

Now that I'm actually at the door, I'm too scared to open it.

What if it's someone trying to rob my house! Well they wouldn't knock would they..

I take a peek through the key hole to see if I could make up anyone I knew.

"Jack?" I whisper quietly to myself as I see Jacks figure through the small keyhole.

I quickly unlock the door and open it wide. It was at this moment that I realised I look like a complete and utter mess.

"Hi." I plainly say with no smile on my pink plump lips.

"Hey Sam.. I just- I came to apologise.. for everything. I really don't want us to end like this..." Jack says with sincerity in his deep husky voice. But his hotness ain't fooling me honey!

"Oh please! You don't want things to end like this so I don't run my mouth to the school principle! Or better worse, the police!" I grunt, feeling my blood boil, as if I was being cooked in a pot.

Jack shook his head in a 'no' motion.
"No, that's not what I'm here for! I do love you Sam, with all my heart, it's just.. this is a serious situation. If we got caught, I'd be sent to prison!" Jack explains with big gestures with his hands.

My aging eyes glare at the attractive young teacher standing right in front of me, his hair in a perfect quiff and his strong masculine jawline. Finding the courage inside of me, I open my mouth to challenge Jack.

"Then quit."

The words fall out of my mouth not ready to hear his answer.

"If you really love me, quit."

The tension in Jacks posture releases, and his brown chocolate eyes soften as he looks at me.

My heart is beating so fast right now. I'm afraid of what Jack will say. I'm afraid to be heart broken.


Mr. Gilinsky - Jack GilinskyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant