Nathan First (Adopted)

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**Mgorisx3 took on this challenge, so make sure you hop over to her page and read In The Water.**

So there are a lot of FF stories where Sang meets certain boys first and I noticed #PoorNathan had been neglected in this aspect. So in this FF, Sang meets Nathan first. A little slice-of-life story.

Sang's family went to Charleston long enough to drop their things off at their new house before heading to Myrtle Beach to have a family vacation before school starts back up.
Sang stays out of their hair by spending the days swimming at the resort or at the beach. It's the best way to stay away from her stepmother and to have the freedom to explore the area.
Then she runs into Nathan Griffin, who's at Myrtle Beach for a simple mission.
The next few days they have fun together, swimming and playing. When they say their goodbyes they never expected to meet each other again, until they realize they are practically neighbors.
And Sang never expected to meet Nathan's eight brothers.

Please Adopt Me: Academy FF IdeasHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin