Sang's Upcoming Death (Adopted)

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**Woohoo leedlelawliet is taking on this challenge for us! Thank you and so looking forward to what you do with this one.**

Sang knows she's going to die soon. She has always known she's going to die young. How? Her ghost friends, the ones who have stuck by her since she was five years old. The ones who told her when she was five that she was never going to make it to the age seventeen. The same ones who have been there through all her punishments, supporting her, caring for her, telling her it was all going to be over soon.

So why should Sang fear death? Why fear a new world, surrounded by her ghost friends. At least they care about her.

They aren't like her abusive mother, or neglectful father, or cold-hearted sister. They want her. They want to be with her and they can't wait until she can join them.

She feels the same way. What else is there to look forward to anyways. There's nothing in life she wants. She just wants to be free and her ghost friends offer that through death.

Until she moves across the street from Kota and meets the Blackbourne team. Now it's a race to save her from joining her ghost friends. They need to change her mind, they need to teach her that there is so much more to life, that the possibilities before her are vast, but she needs to live to explore them.

And they need to keep her alive, keep her safe until she's seventeen.

Who will win? The ghosts or the Blackbourne team? Who gets Sang?

**Please note: Sang is not suicidal. She isn't out trying to kill herself. She's just accepting that she'll be dead before she's seventeen and she isn't afraid of it.**

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