Dream Realm (Adopted)

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**jojo123236 and Maybe_Baby03 are going for a second one! Wish them luck and looking forward to reading what this becomes!**

Sang Sorenson is trapped in the dream realm. She doesn't know how to get out and has to suffer through a mixture of her  nightmares and her memories as she tries to find her way out. She eventually meets a special group of nine gifted boys who can travel through the dream realm and after knowing about her situation are more than willing to help her through it all.

The idea isn't meant to expand over just a bad night of dreams but days. She's stuck in a sleep state for whatever reason and the boys are tasked with waking her up by going into her head and helping her find her way out. Some moments are bad, nightmares or bad memories, and some are good dreams. The Blackbourne team get to learn about Sang through her dreams.

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