Chapter 1

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Annie's POV

The first day of school. I need to relax. But I can't relax, it's my first day of high school! I know, it's so cliché, even though it's kinda true! I just need to calm down. It's only another day of school. Sure, a new school in a new city, and I don't know anyone.

I grabbed my phone and pressed the home button. As always, no notifications. No texts, no dms, no snapchats. Of course, I don't really know anyone. Even still,  I opened Snapchat and took a selfie with the dog filter. I posted it on my story, even though nobody would probably see it. 

"Annie! Hurry up and get down here, I need to approve of your outfit!" I heard my mom yell. "Okay, coming!" I hollered back.  I was wearing a gray shirt with a denim jacket, black jeans, and superstars. 

I dropped my phone into my backpack and slung it over m shoulder

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I dropped my phone into my backpack and slung it over m shoulder. I made my way downstairs and to my mom before we left. After my mom went on a rant about how I'm growing up to fast, we went outside to the car. I put in my earbuds and listened to music the whole ride.


"Honey, we're here!" My mom's voice snapped me out of my daydream. I looked out the car window and saw my we were pulling up in front of the school. "Bye, Mom!" I said quickly, hugging her and getting out of the car. I walked up the front steps, silently freaking out.I came through the door, I saw a sign that said "Freshman This Way! --->". I assumed that I was going to get my schedule, so I followed it.

 As I walked along the hall, I started to feel very self-conscious and alone. Everyone was talking with their friends about their summers, how they were feeling, and other things. But not me; I have no friends. I finally made my way to the gym where people were giving schedules out. I walked up to the table with the shortest line. A middle-aged woman with glasses looked up at me and said, "Name?" 

"Julianna Leblanc," I responded. After rummaging through a pile of papers, she pulled out the one with my name, handed it to me, smiled, and said, "Have a nice year!" I gave a small nod and walked away. I looked down at my schedule. 

1st: Honors English

2nd: Algebra II

3rd: Study Hall/ Free Period

4th:  American History


5th: Art/ Spanish (Alternating)

6th: AP Biology

7th: P.E. 

I sighed and looked up. AP Biology? I'm feel like I'm not smart enough, but I guess it's good to try something new? I quickly glanced at a clock on the wall. 8:00; homeroom was at 8:05, so I made my way to classroom as quickly as I could. I walked through the door and slipped into a seat in the middle row.

 On my left was a girl with medium-length blond hair who was talking to the guy behind me- a tan, slightly muscular boy who had messy brown hair. The girl turned as if she was going to say something  to me, but the teacher silenced the class to take attendance and make sure everyone was in the right homeroom.


Hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Please don't forget to vote! xoxo

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