Chapter 8

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Annie's POV

katie96 : brennan isn't coming out of his room?? 

annieleblanc: well idk 

katie96 : talk to him

annieleblanc: what? no!

katie96: whatever, i'm gonna practice for tryouts, wanna come over?

annieleblanc: ok why not

I shut off my phone and ran downstairs. "Mom, can you take me to Katie's? We're going to practice for tryouts." Mom agreed and I texted Katie that I was leaving my house. I was quite excited most of the ride, but then I realized I would probably see Brennan. Mom dropped me off in front of the house, and I took a deep breath as I walked to the front door. When I knocked, Katie opened the door and led me to her basement. Turns out she also used to be a gymnast and has a ton of old equipment. 

After tumbling for a while, Katie remember that we still had to practice stunting. "We should get Brennan to come help us!" she suggested, "Why don't you go get him?" I started to freak out. 

"I don't know.."

"Come on Annie, just do it!"

"Alright, whatever."

I walked back up the stairs to try and find Brennan. I his door slightly cracked open and I peeked in to see if he was there. He was laying on his bed with his back turned to me. I assumed he had his earbuds in and as watching something since he didn't hear me. I was about to walk in and say something but then I though I heard him sniffle. Was he crying? No, maybe I just thought I heard it.

"Hey, Brennan?" I said walking through the door. It was hard to tell, but it seemed like he quickly wiped his eyes before sitting up and turning to face me. His eyes looked a bit red and now I was starting to believe that he really had been crying. I hesitated before talking again. Maybe I shouldn't bother him- but its too late now.

"Katie wants you to help us practice stunting for cheer tryouts," I continued. "If you want, I mean," I added quickly. Brennan didn't respond for a few seconds and I was starting to get uncomfortable. I just then realized that he didn't have a shirt on, and I was really hoping he would say something right away. 

"Yeah sure, just give me a second."


Ahh I haven't updated in like a month, sorry! :/

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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