I. The Annual Gala

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I. The Annual Gala

 The Annual Gala

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She stared into the deep void of nothingness with her head cocked to the side in an awkward position. She was tired as hell, daydreaming and losing herself in her thoughts.

"Hm?" Her mutter was empty.

"Your break is over!" Ricky yelled, and she groaned. She had been tirelessly preparing for the infamous annual ball the city's elite indulged in. Every year. It was always the same annoying people, and they loved their food too much to opt out of their catering. You'd think they would all want incredibly expensive dishes made by the best of the best chefs, but they specifically wanted Cater to Me's famous, lemon broiled chicken and garlic peppered asparagus along with a few other popular choices. 

Her coworker, Mason, laughed as Celeste swayed back and forth before settling at her luxurious counter, prime for baking and crying over a masterpiece of a cake that took weeks to properly design. It was this cake that stole all of her days and most of her nights while leaving her in a constant disarray. "Shut up, Mason. This happens every freakin' year. I haven't slept all week." She mumbled to herself, coating the cake in a shine that left everyone speechless.

For once, Ricky was quiet. No one heard his loud ass mouth. Finally he said, "I think you outdid yourself this year." It was a compliment that Celeste quickly swatted away, knowing she wouldn't get another for a very long time. No sense in getting too emotional over it. She thought to herself. She looked at her watch and yawned.

"I'm calling it a night Ricky; I'm exhausted." It was ten at night and she'd been there all day prepping the final details for the event the next day.

"I'm front and center tomorrow explaining the deserts, and I can't be half asleep in front of the guests. I'll top it off tomorrow morning, goodnight guys." Her bag was over her shoulders and her black converses squeaked against the floor as she made her great escape.

"Celeste! There's still so much I wanted to do!" Ricky called after her, and she shrugged away his plea, exiting the door to the freedom of the cool spring night.

As most nights in downtown Philly were, the dusk air was chilly, sending a shiver through Celeste. She wandered down the street to her car while hoping she would strike gold and wouldn't have to return to work the next day. The last thing she wanted was to spend hours around snooty elite in an uncomfortable gown.

"A sinkhole to gobble me up would be amazing right now." She sighed. Her beat up car was in no condition to continue the fight to take her all around Philly, but she pushed her baby to start and began to drive to her flat deeper in the city. Once she parked her car in the garage, she used the elevator to go up to her floor and groaned after hearing loud music coming from her neighbors apartment.

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