X. Where Secrets Lie

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X. Where Secrets Lie

León patted Julian's back and released him from a short hug. While Celeste was too busy taking in their cozy home, she didn't notice León whisper over Julian's shoulder, "Very pretty."

No, instead, she was off already admiring the array of paintings decorating the walls of their foyer. As she entered the living area, she noticed the open floor plan and tall windows made it easy to drink in the details of each work. She could tell they were big fans of intense colors, yet all the walls were white. After examining a 5th painting, she lost count. Indeed, it was a lifestyle her family could never afford.

"Immaculate, aren't they?" Rosamaría smiled fondly toward Celeste. Celeste nodded while turning around, unable to take her gaze away from the beautiful woman with dark wavy locks staring back at her. A deep blush spread across her cheeks, and suddenly her posture slumped.

She's absolutely gorgeous, the kind of gorgeous that's intimidating. Celeste thought to herself timidly. "Hi, I'm Celeste, a friend of Julian's"

Rosamaría enveloped Celeste in a tight hug, squeezing her shoulders as she let her go.

Celeste's surprised expression made her laugh, "What a lovely and unique name. I'm Rosamaría, Julião's mother. This is León, his step-father."

"A bit shy? Or is it that I'm coming across as rude? Would you like something to drink? To be an inviting host is to be successful in our household. Isn't that right, mi filho?" Rosamaría looked toward her son with a deep frown. Julian could tell she was angry about something.

"Yes Celeste, would you like something to drink? I'm sure if I didn't ask my mother would kill me." He smiled but underneath there was an urgency in his eyes. They were screaming save me, please.

The need to oblige arose within her, "Water is fine for now, thanks for the hospitality"

"Great I'll grab that for you so you, Julian, and Rosamaría can catch up more!" León winked, smirking at Julian before making his way to the cabinets.

The whole ordeal had Celeste second-guessing her choice to tag along. In her eyes, they were becoming good friends, but did it warrant a visit to the parents? She shuddered after sitting on the mauve couch, dreading the small-talk to come.

"So, are you both dating?" Celeste's eyes widened, watching the idea of small-talk fly out their tall ass windows.

She was glad León hadn't brought her water yet, because Rosamaría's crass tone was spit-take worthy. Now, she could fully see León's angle to get out of the battlefield of conversation.

"Let's maybe not have a conversation about my love life today, mamãe?" Julian interjected. His arms crossed and fists tightened in irritation. While he's grown used to his mother's prying, it's been a while since he's had to watch its effects on someone else. Especially, someone he cared about like Celeste.

He remembered the deal between them. They chose to keep things untitled. And as always, Julian was a man to hold steadfast to his deals, once officiated. Now he was starting to rethink her tagging along as well. But with how much he checks on his mamãe, it would be hard to get any closer to Celeste. He peered at her expression of discomfort, in frustration of his mother's antics.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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