IV. "Stop Checking"

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IV. "Stop Checking"

Had she known she'd go to bed feeling like that, she wouldn't have gone out for drinks with him.

So much for the drinks.

He's reeling me in like I'm a fish. She groaned to herself inwardly.

Her gaze didn't shift as the minutes kept passing, and she stared in deep thought, replaying all of the night's events over and over like the overly romantic type she is, especially after that text:

Celeste finally got her key in the door after fumbling for five minutes like an idiot. Low and behold, Sebastian had completely destroyed his new toy and left the carcass in front of the door.

"Come on Sebastian, you're not a pup. What is this?" She pat his back and rubbed his side.

"Wanna go out, boy?"

A buzz rang in her back pocket and she stopped petting Sebastian to grab it. It was a text message from him.

It was nice to officially meet you. And don't forget to set the bar. You made my evening, sleep well Celeste. -J

It was a simple text, and she shouldn't have felt so giddy, but she did. "This feels like one big ass lapse in judgement, but oh well, it's already happening." She muttered to herself, still staring at the four walls of her bedroom. She had to be in the shop at 8 in the morning to start preparing for a weekend wedding. The grind never stops.


After work, she planned to meet Dominic for dinner at Chipotle around 5. There was still a lot of work to be done the next day, but Celeste powered through her preparations.

Celeste pulled up next to Dominic in the parking lot. He was looking down at his phone, and she decided to scare him a little. After getting out of the car, she tapped on his window roughly like an officer. "I'm sorry sir, but I'm gonna need to see some I.D."

Dominic immediately jumped and then flipped her off. She was dying at his reaction; everyone knew he was an easy scare. He grabbed his wallet and got out of the car.

"Why do you have to terrorize me every time you see me." Celeste shrugged as Dominic held the door open for her.

"Come on, you knew what you were signing up for when you decided to be my best friend" The line wasn't as long as usual but still long.

"You're getting a bowl aren't you?"

She nodded.

"Haven't had Chipotle all week?"

She shrugged.

"It's all gonna be gone in 2.5 seconds when you start eating?"

"Bingo." Celeste gave him a huge Cheshire cat-like grin.

He shook his head, "I've never met someone so good at cooking who never cooks at home."

"Oh nah, it's just pure laziness. I'd prefer to eat at Chipotle multiple times a week than to cook myself something. See, the unfortunate thing about cooking and baking is that it always comes with cleaning. If life could somehow just take away the cleaning portion that comes with cooking, I would cook more at home. I clean enough all day at CTM. "

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