Chapter Two

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   The moonlight broke through the clouds as Jennifer's car sped across the twin span bridge toward New Orleans. There was no way she could stay with her friends while these unexpected cravings continued to emerge. She left Heidels suddenly because her mind kept thinking of ways to seduce Freddie and Samantha. It could have been Freddie's muscles or the easy smooth motions when Samantha leaned over the pool table to aim her shots. All she knew was her desires were getting out of control and her friends needed to be protected from them.

   Now the pulse of the radio music flooded through her and helped to ease the hunger. The vibrations from the engine and the motions caused by the wind through the opened window seemed to give her a pleasant sensation. This allowed her to relax just a little. As the song changed from soft rock to heavy metal, her foot increased the pressure until she was cruising near ninety. Suddenly, she was partially blinded by the flashing lights speeding toward her.

   "Shit," she muttered looking down at the speedometer.

   Instantly, she slowed, crossed lanes and eased onto the interstate's shoulder. She cursed her carelessness as the lights followed and came to a halt directly behind her. It was bad enough trying to carry full insurance coverage on the car without adding another ticket. This was going to cost her if she didn't get off with just a warning.

   Her eyes stayed on the rear view mirror as the officer made his way toward her. A flash of heat rose through her as she watched him. There was no doubt what kind of body lay under his uniform. She saw similar forms every day on construction sites. Yes, he was a sight reaching well over six feet tall and weighing in at probably two hundred twenty or thirty pounds. His shirt stretched over broad muscular shoulders with arms that could squeeze the life right out of and into you. She licked her lips as he came closer, revealing a tight flat stomach and well-defined hips. Slowly she lowered the window the rest of the way and turned the radio down.

   "So where's the fire?" he asked in a sarcastic tone as if expecting to find some young punk behind the wheel.

   "Looks like it just walked up," she whispered drawing his gaze.

   "Well," he said changing his attitude and staring through the opened window as Jennifer tossed her hair back. "Why you in such a hurry? Gotta' hot date?" he asked taking out his ticket book.

   "No. I just got carried away with the music. Need my license?" she replied and reached for her purse.

   Her movements opened the neckline of her shirt slightly. His eyes seemed drawn to a single bead of sweat as it slowly trickled down the side of her neck. It trekked across the exposed skin of her chest and into the shadow of her bust-line. Her every breath acted like an invitation. By the time she produced her driver's license, the ticket book was put away.

   "Here you go," she said with a smile.

   As he reached for the card, his hand brushed against hers. There seemed to be an electrical charge flowing between then. The bass from the radio throbbed in rhythm with her pulse. Jennifer could feel a hunger rising in her. She could feel the energy and heat he held in each muscle. She wanted to drain it from him.

   A loud burst of static from the radio drawing her attention away from the officer. In that moment, she realized what her mind had plotted and was horrified. She had to get away from him and into some place with a hard rock band. Only then could she replace the desires engulfing her with the energy supplied by the musicians on stage and the crowd around her.

   "Is everything in order?" she asked, breaking the link she had somehow created between the two of them.

   "Fine," he said shaking his head as if just waking from a deep sleep. "Tell you what, promise you'll slow it down and I'll let you go with a warning this time."

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