Chapter Fourteen

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"Jennifer," Samantha said shaking her shoulder gently. "Time to wake up. We've got to go."

"Just five more minutes," Jennifer complained and pulled the covers over her head.

"But we've got to go. Freddie's got an appointment," Samantha continued.

"So tell him we had a wonderful time and walk him out."

"This is his place Jen. Besides, I told Mom I'd be home for dinner tonight." Jennifer curled up and ignored her. "Jennifer, get up," Samantha ordered. "We've got to go. Now!"

This time Jennifer turned over and looked around. She didn't know where she was or what time it was.

"Sam, where are we?" she asked.

"We're at Freddie's condo. Don't you remember? We came here after the concert. You've been out of it since we hit the interstate in Biloxi. This is the first time today I've been able to get any king of a response from you. You've been dead to the world girl."

"Shit! What time is it?" Jennifer asked sitting up.

"Almost five," Samantha answered.

"Damn!" Jennifer exclaimed and grabbed her shoes. "Let's go. Duncan said he was going to wait for me last night." She got up and headed for the door.

"You might want to fix those," Samantha said pointing to her top. The vest was almost completely unbuttoned and exposing her chest. "And you're a little late. So since you are so late, would you mind if we picked up a few things at the Quarter Market. I promise it won't take long."

"Since when has it ever not taken you forever in the French Quarter?"

"I promise. Just a quick in and out. I know where the booths are that I want to go to are."

"Ok, but you're driving, I've got to make some calls," Jennifer said.

"No problem, I've still got the keys," Samantha stated.

A quick trip to the bathroom to fix herself and Jennifer was ready to go. Samantha was waiting by the front door. They got in the car and headed toward the river.

Jennifer dug her phone out of her purse and called her house. She wanted to see if Duncan was still there. The machine picked up so she left a brief message. Then she tried Duncan's cell. It instantly went to voice mail so she left a message. Then she tried his office number.

"You play it, we mix it," Pete answered. "Shit, Duncan is it you? Look I promise not to answer like that anymore."

She hesitated before answering. "No, this is Jennifer. Have you heard from Duncan? I'm trying to track him down."

"Not since he headed for Biloxi last night," came the reply.

"Biloxi. What was he doing in Biloxi?"

"Working. Tory called and needed his help with a concert. He's probably still out there. They party all night with the bands when they get together.

"Well if he calls tell him..." she thought for a minute and suddenly felt angry. "Never mind. If I see him, that'll be his good luck." She hung up before anything else could be said.

"What's wrong?" Samantha asked.

"Nothing. I can't find the bastard," she said harshly. "He was at the concert last night and didn't even try to find me."

"Maybe he saw you dancing with those guys and got mad," Samantha said.

Jennifer didn't remember all that happened at the concert. "I don't know why I got so mad just then. It was like someone else's personality took over."

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