Chapter Six

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Jennifer woke automatically at her normal time. For an instant, she thought she had dreamed everything. David's near assault and Duncan's quick rescue and comforting arms. His insistence on waiting for a commitment. All illusions she thought until she felt the warmth of his hand which had settled under her breast. She allowed her hand to move up his arm and across his bare chest. Slowly, her body eased away from him, turning so she could watch him sleep.

The sheet had been kicked from the bed so she viewed his near naked frame. He had over powered David, but at that moment, he looked fragile and helpless. She wanted to pull him to her and keep him protected from the world. Who would protect him from her if her unquenched sexual urges exploded again? As the thought about it, her eyes glided down his side. He was wearing silk boxers which were stretched tight.

"What are you dreaming about?" she whispered. A smile worked its way onto her face as her hand slid over the silk. "You would fit me so perfectly," she stated wanting to free him. "Would you stop me if I started making love to you while you slept?" she asked softly.

"Yes," he whispered looking up at her.

"How long have you been awake?" she demanded.

"Long enough to know I shouldn't fall asleep this close to you, with you on my mind."

"Then this is for me?" she asked easing toward and reaching for him.

He pushed her hand back. "Only in my dreams for now," he replied. "Besides you have to get ready for work."

"Damn," she said looking at the clock. "I'm running late."

She jumped from the bed and rushed to the bathroom. In less than ten minutes she ran back into the room wearing only a pair of lace panties. Her make-up was in place and her hair pulled to the side.

"Those won't work," he said thinking she was still trying to arouse him.

"They will if I'm going to be to work on time."

She grabbed the jeans from the chair. Duncan laughed as she started to pull them on.

"Still trying to get in my jeans?" he jested.

"Shit," she muttered throwing them at him. "I can't think when I'm late." The closet door was flung opened. She grabbed a clingy summer sweater and threw it on the bed. Black cotton slacks slid off the hanger and almost landed on the floor as she stepped into them. A quick trip to the dresser produced an appropriate brassiere. Duncan tossed her the sweater.

"Thanks," she said with a wink. "Want to be here when it comes back off?" she asked seductively.

"Gotta work tonight," he replied.

"Your loss," she stated walking to the bed.

"So who you gonna' bring home tonight?" he asked.

"Bastard," she hissed and started to slap him.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her on top of him. His lips brushed against the palm of her hand. There was a light dancing in his eyes and the boyish grin smoothed her ruffled feelings.

"I'm sorry," he whispered kissing her ear. "That wasn't what I meant to say."

"So what did you mean?" she asked.

"I don't know. I guess I just wanted to know if you would wait for me."

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes," he said kissing her deeply.

So long and passionate was the kiss Jennifer swore she could taste their souls merging. Her body was heating up while her hand clutched his back. She could feel a new energy entering her through their kiss. Then it was drawn back as the kiss started to end.

"Don't stop," she pleaded working her mouth over his.

He firmly held her head against his neck. "I promise it won't be long. I just have to make sure everything's in order."

"I don't understand," she whimpered.

"Trust me," he said calmly. "Now off to work. I'll get the door fixed before I leave."

Hesitantly, she left the room and the house. Duncan listened for her car to leave before he drifted back into a light slumber. He was wrapped in her sheets, surrounded by her sweet scent. This would be the last time he could stay with her without fulfilling his greatest fantasy. The only thought worrying his was the idea he wouldn't be able to hold onto her after she knew all his secrets.

As Duncan's dreams expressed his desires, Jennifer sat anxiously at her desk waiting for her co-worker and confidant. Samantha arrived exactly on time, not a minute early or late.

"Morning Jen," she called on her way to her desk.

"Morning," Jennifer almost sang.

She heard Samantha immediately drop her purse and head back through the door. Their eyes met and Jennifer could barely keep from giggling.

"My God," Samantha started. "You got laid."

"And I met the most wonderful man," she added.

"I want details. What's his name? What does he look like? How many time did you do it?"

"Samantha! What if someone hears you?"

"Who cares? Tell me everything. Start at the beginning and don't leave out a miniscule detail."

"OK. His name is Duncan and I met him Friday night after I left you. He was working the boards at a club downtown."

"Sounds like your kind of guy, into music. So you took him home and..."

"No, actually I left the club alone. David was waiting for me when I drove up at home."

"David? I thought you said his name was Duncan."

"It is. David's the guy I slept with all weekend. Duncan is Mr. Wonderful.

"Wait a minute. You were screwing some guy named David and falling for another guy named Duncan?"

"That about says it all," Jennifer stated with a wide grin.

"You little vixen." Her thoughts were interrupted when the boss's car pulled in. "We'll finish this later," Samantha stated. "Just one quick question. How does Collin fit into your new plans?"

"Collin," Jennifer whispered to herself as Samantha went after a cup of coffee. How could she have forgotten about Collin? What would he think about all of this? He was one of her best friends and she had hoped they would one day be lovers. Now her heart was torn.

"Good morning Jennifer," came the husky voice of her boss. "How are things going? Got everything under control?"

"Yea. Sure," she replied. "Everything's running smoothly this morning."

"Good. I'll probably be out most of the morning checking on a few jobs," he stated.

"I'll handle things," she remarked.

"You always do," he said entering his office. "I'll just make a few phone calls and be out of your hair," he stated as he disappeared through the doorway.

"OK," she called back.

Samantha walked back through her office and mouthed the word, "Good." She wanted to hear all the events of Jennifer's weekend. Jennifer, however, now had second thoughts about telling her everything. Maybe it was best if she kept the episodes of lust and companionship to herself. Also the truth of her carnal hungers might be revealed along with the fear of the man stalking her. How could she bring innocent little Samantha into a web of deceit and danger?

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