Chapter Four

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At six o'clock, Jennifer woke automatically. Alarms were unnecessary. She felt the strong arms around her and eased closer to the warm body. This was what she liked best about having a lover, snuggling. Gently, she turned over and wrapped herself around him. There was no response as her leg slid over him.

"I've never seen anyone sleep so soundly," she said to herself. She kissed his neck and cheek without even a hint of a reaction. Carefully, she slid out of him embrace. "Poor baby," she whispered. "I must have worn him out. I'll let him sleep till ten. His appointment isn't until one."

She picked up the pieces of his uniform on her way out. They were carefully laid on the ironing board before she went to the shower. After a steamy shower, the bulky terry-cloth robe was warm and soft as it slid over her bare skin. She pulled her hair back and pinned it up. Now she was ready to face the morning.

She migrated to the kitchen. She made the coffee extra strong, the way he liked it. The eggs were cracked and whipped with just a touch of milk. Ham, cheese, onion, green peppers and tomatoes were chopped coarsely in individual containers. The flame caressed the skillet. Just before the eggs were poured into the pan, Jennifer added three types of ground peppers and just a touch of hot sauce. When the egg mixture started cooking, she sprinkled it with the ham, cheese, onion and bell pepper pieces. Her companion was allergic to tomatoes. The table was set and the food decorated the plates when she felt him enter the room.

"Hungry?" she asked not turning around.

"Famished," he replied slipping his arms around her and kissing her neck. Looking over her shoulder, he added. "My favorite. How'd you know?"

"Just a hunch," she stated simply.

He sat down as she filled the coffee cups. Without being asked to, she added two spoons of sugar and a dash of heavy cream. She placed it next to his hand and seated herself. His eyes never left her.

"What's wrong?" she asked thinking the robe had slipped opened.

"You're amazing," he said sliding his hand over hers. "I think I love you."

"Come on David. You hardly know me."

"That doesn't matter. How'd you know my name?" he asked hesitantly.

She averted her eyes before replying. "You must have told me last night."

"I don't seem to recall any conversation. In fact I don't think we said more than three things after we came inside."

"Quit playing detective and eat. You've got to leave soon."

"Right, I've got to go home and get another uniform."

"No you don't. I took the liberty of freshening up the one you wore last night," she said with a smile.

"Can I come back tonight after work?" he asked between bites.

"No. We both need time to think."

"About what?" he asked.

"Look, you're wonderful and I enjoyed myself thoroughly but I need to take it slow."

"Slow!" he exclaimed with a laugh. "Honey, I don't think there's anything slow about you."

"Sure there is. You just haven't found it yet."

"Does that mean I can..."

"I'll call you after I've had time to think," she said with authority.

"You don't even have my number."

She was about to rattle it off when she realized he hadn't given it to her. It was like his name. For some reason, this morning, she knew everything about him. What he liked to eat, drink, wear, and what he had to do. They finished breakfast in silence. Jennifer's thoughts were racing while she cleared the table. David crept up behind her and slid his hand around her. Nimbly his fingers worked the knot out and he reached in to caress her warm skin.

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