Starting Out.....

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It all started with my best friend asking Logan out. He's a cute handsome boy with brown short hair and blue crystal eyes. He is country and I am country I thought we would be a perfect match!

I had my friend go and ask him out fir me since i was too chicken to.

He said he would think about it and he did.

I was walking down my dirt road to my house and I heard an engine of truck behind me and I did..... turns out it was Logan.

I stood there with a pale look on my face as he drove up in front me and said your friend said you liked me and wanted to go out with me.

I said yeah you said you would think about it.

He said ''Well, I made up my mind.''

I said so what is it he sat there and said ''Yes, yes I will go out with you.''

He smiled and he told me to get in the truck he open the passenger door and helped me in.
He asked me ''Where do you live?''

I told him and he brought me home and as he let me out he said ''I'm picking you up in the morning around 7.''

I said ''No, you don't have to.''

''No you deserve it and I'm taking you no matter what.''

I stood there and he hugged me and I hugged him back he left and I stood by the side of the house just with a pale face.

He came and picked me at 7. He opened the door and put my bag in the back of the truck. Then he got in the truck and started it up.

He asked ''Do you love mud roads?''

I replied ''Oh hell yeah.''

''Good we are taking a mud road to school and back!'' And he winked at me.

I scooted over into the middle seat and he put the seatbelt over me. I smiled and he took his hat off and put it on me. I grabbed his hat and put it to where it fit me. He laughed and started down the road.

He asked ''You know where we are?''

''No?'' and then I looked to the left. He was taking me to his house! He turned in the driveway and said be quiet.

No one was home and it was about 7:10 a.m. He said he wanted me to come in and check something out I told him we would be late for a school.

He got out his gun and then said wanna shoot it?

I told him no but maybe after school then we can do it and he just sat there and got a couple bullets out and put them in the barrel.

He shot a couple off and then handed the gun to me I looked in the scope of the gun and got it centered then fired very accurate it was nothing wrong with it so I shot a couple off then it was 7:20 and Logan finally said ok time to go to school and bore our minds.

Then he caught me on the side of the railing on the top deck he grabbed me and was trying to pretend to throw me off.

''30 foot drop I wouldn't mind!'' I said sarcastically.

He put me down and kissed me. I kissed him back and he grabbed me and put me on the railing of the wooden deck. Then lifted me up and turned around opened the door and walked right over to his bed. We spent about 5 minutes making out until I said something about school.

He grabbed me and said oh shit were going to be late we ended up arriving at school around 7:55 just in time because school was just starting.

Logan walked into the building along my side carrying my bag and then we stopped at my locker. He put his hat on the top shelf with my books and told me he loved me and said see you later.

8 hours passed and it was finally time to go home. Logan came over to my locker and grabbed his hat while I grabbed all my studies. He grabbed my bag while I locked my locker. I followed him out to his truck he put my bag in the back and started the truck. I got in and said ''What's with you all huffy and puffy?''

He said ''What do you mean?''

''You just look how do i say, tired or bored?''

He replied ''No it's just something else you will see unless you don't want to .....''

I told him ''Yeah I want to know!''

He just smiled and winked while I just looked at him....

He drove while I sat in the middle right next to him and he held on to me by my waist. I was just smiling and laughing while he was also having fun.


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