hard choices

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We spent half an hour getting ready and then came down stairs to Logan's parents sitting down at the table. His mom smiled and then told us to have a seat. Logan looked as if he were going to have a heart attack. I took a deep breath hoping this wasn't the part where they break the doors to hell.

''Come and look at this.'' His mom urged.

''What is it?'' Logan asked.

''Its an apartment, we looked online and found a lot of apartment buildings.''

''Where at?''

''Just near Grimes.''

''Oh no i'm not dealing with that traffic and not switching schools.'' Argued Logan.

''You won't be switching schools and there will be more job offers.''

''I like it......if we could just go over and see it.''

''I'm not sure if I will like it....but let's just give it a shot.''

''I'm sorry we can't go with you. But that doesn't stop you guys. Here are the directions.''

''Thanks!'' I told them.

We walked out the door and I grabbed my phone and entered the address in. It took me to the apartments near grimes.

We took an hour drive taking our time it led us to several buildings. There were fancy houses and apartments.

''Oh my......a lot to choose from.........too may to be honest........''

I called the apartment manager and we started talking about an apartment that had 1 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, a livingroom and kitchen. Logan had liked some of the apartments that we had checked out.

''I like this one very well, everything seems well maintained and not hard to get to. Also we get our own garage space!'' He laughed and grabbed my side.

''Yeah and we get a lot of space! Even an office.''

We settled to rent a house near by and this house was big. It had so much space and rooms. We also had an upstairs!

Logan seemed pleased and I was too! We were near so much and it wasn't hard to get to the house. We had neighbors.......that we didn't like too well.....don't tell them that though.

''When are we going to start getting moved in?''

''I don't know maybe we should start tomorrow....We should get used to this area. Let's find some things to do.'' I said enthused.

Logan drove me around and then we found some stores and a couple attractions. We drove around until about 7 we decided to go home and start getting things ready. When we got home Logan got out and then let me out.

''I think today was great!'' I told him.

''I thought it was too, lets got tell my parents what happened!''

''Oh yeah!'' I started to run to the door as Logan shut the door and started to catch up to me.

Logan caught up and we ended up running through the door to the house. His parents were sitting on the couch watching tv.

''Oh hey what happened today?'' His parents asked.

''Oh it was wonderful! We found the apartments but decided to rent a house.'' I smiled.

''Yeah and we are starting to pack things up tomorrow.''

''Do you need any help?''

''No I think we got it.''

''Ok well you better get to bed and get rested up for tomorrow.''

I started to run up stairs and Logan came after to me. He took his jacket off and then took mine from me.

''I'm wore out I don't about you.'' I laid back into the bed and closed my eyes.

''Oh I'm wore out but not all the way. I know how you can wear me out.'' He smiled and then winked.

''Oh stop it.'' I laughed and got up getting ready for bed.

Logan got in bed first while I stood there looking at myself in the mirror. I then started for the bed and sat down. Logan grabbed my side and I laid down next to him. He kissed me and then fell asleep. I stayed up thinking what to tell my parents and what I was going to do tomorrow.

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