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I stood in the doorway struck by lightning. I knew the hand on my shoulder wasn't Logan's because it was small. With wide eyes i turned around and found Layne with a big smile behind me.

‘’Oh my fucking god.’’

‘’Did i scare you?’’

‘’What the fuck do you think?’’

‘’By your expression i did.’’

‘’Well yeah you did i thought logan was in here.’’

‘’Yeah uh… Logan went outside with Trevor and Lucas. So i thought it would be funny to lock the door and scare you.’’ He laughed and smiled.

‘’Well i almost had a heartattack.’’ I smiled and started walking to the front of the house.

Layne followed as i unlocked the door and walked outside. I saw lucas’s big jacked up truck and Trevor's sportrack. I turned the corner and went into the garage where i found all the boys there without their girls.

‘’Awwww here she comes to ruin the fun.’’ Lucas said with a smile.

‘’I'm not here to ruin any fun just to bring your friend back out here instead inside.’’ i pointed to Layne.

‘’Yeah it didn't work that well.’’ Layne said with a sad face.

‘’I'm sorry i don't think we have been introduced.’’ i held my hand out to a person in the group i never saw before.

‘’Umm….im Riley….’’ he managed to say the words.

‘’Im Logans fiance.’’ i smiled and Logan put his arm around me.

‘’Yeah she is mine.’’ Logan joked while smiling.

‘’We were just stopping by to check the house out. I mean if you’ll let us…’’ Lucas said a little scared.

‘’Why do you think i'm so mean when i'm so nice? Yes you can come and see the house anytime!’’

Lucas had a smile on and then we started towards the house out of the garage. Logan started the little tour while i went to clean up a bit. I picked up around the bedroom and the bathroom then went back to where Logan was. I stayed back and waited in the other room listening to Logan through the walls.

‘’This room is going to be my room i mean if you get what i mean.’’ Logan said trying to be quiet but i could hear him from a mile away.

‘’I get what you mean, Logan.’’ Trevor said and everyone started laughing.

I sat down in a chair outside the hallway and waited for them to come back while they laughed. Logan was the first to come out of the hallway and saw me.

‘’Oh….you heard that didn't you?’’

‘’Yeah i heard everything. Ya know the walls are thin.’’ I sat there smiling and then got up.

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