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I was walking down stairs and all eyes turned to me.

''Did i do something wrong?''

''No....'' I heard someone say.

''Ok then...'' I walked into the living room and sat down with my laptop.

Logan came down the stairs and grabbed the key to his truck. I sat there typing in my password and then started writing an email. Logan went out the door while his friends just sat there watching me. I looked up after a minute.

''Am i that interesting or do i have a tarantula crawling up my back?''

''No no no nothing of that just how you don't mind anything you don't have the feeling to entertain us...most people think that is what we want but we don't want that kind of thing.''

''I see i just let them feel at home, go anywhere in the house, eat what they want, sit where they want you know the regular thing.''

''You know what you are an angel how did Logan become so lucky?'' Lucas started walking into the living room.

''Well me and Logan have talked for a while before all this and we got to know each other, we liked the same things, we helped each other and still do today.''

''Most of the girls we meet are just street girls that are just for something...we are just not into that kind of stuff...'' Riley came out and said.

''Hey you can talk!'' I said with a smile and he smiled back looking at the ground.

''But yeah it's hard to find a girl like you, you aren't afraid to get down and dirty like muddin and stuff. Most girls just want to keep up high in a tree branch and not come down because they are afraid they will break a nail, but you on the other hand you could be up in the highest tree and come down so quick and quiet without anyone noticing and you wouldn't be afraid to break anything.'' Lucas said sitting down in the chair a could feet away from me.

''Yeah, I guess I am a lucky catch...'' I said smiling down at the ground.

''You are and Logan is the luckier one here. He doesn't have to worry about you even though he does too much. He loves you with all his heart and if anything were to happen to you he would die right on the spot. No joke.'' Lucas looked into my eyes.

''Really?'' I asked with a serious face.

''Yes really. He was jump in front of a train or whatever was going to harm you just to keep you safe. And the funny thing here is that i would do the same thing. We all would.'' Everyone nodded with Lucas.

I sat there in awe and Logan came in the door and everyone got quiet and looked at him.

''What's the matter?'' He looked at me with a scared expression on his face.

''Nothing is that matter. Dont worry.'' I got up from where i was and hugged him.

''Why is everyone looking at me.'' He questioned.

''No reason.'' I laughed a little.

''Well guys we are gonna get a going we have some things to do.'' Logan said as everyone got up from where they were and headed for the door. 

Wanting That Country BoyWhere stories live. Discover now