Chapter 7 - Nathan

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After avoiding Colin, the whole day, I wake up the next for Evanel to take me to the doctor to test out my new feeding tube. At this point I'm thirsty and weak again so Evanel insists on my use of the wheelchair again. I don't fight him on it because I'm honestly not a morning person so being pushed to my destination seems like an okay solution.

"What happened with you and Colin yesterday?"

I groan in response, more out of the sheer fact that I have to put effort into explaining than the argument, "I just got annoyed at him, it's not a big deal."

"Why didn't you speak to him all day then?" he rolls me into the elevator.

I catch his eye in the mirror at the back of the elevator, "Just because we speak to each other sometimes it doesn't mean I have to spend all my time with him."

He nods, "True, true. But I think we both know that you'd rather spend your time with him than spend it with me. I know that I'd prefer that, it's easier to work without you nagging me all the time."

I glower at him, "I barely spoke to you, but I'm glad to know my presence isn't wanted."

He smiles in amusement, "You're welcome. But you have the mysterious ability to nag me without speaking."

I reach back and slap his arm, "No I don't."

"You were staring at me the whole time making funny faces, I think that warrants as nagging."

I cross my arms, "I wasn't nagging, I was trying to make you laugh. You're so boring, I understand why you don't have any friends except for Brutus."

"Brutus?" he furrows his brows, "Who's that?"

I shrug, "That guy that helped you knock me out. I can't remember his name."

"That's Joe, and he's not my friend," he frowns.

I lift my eyes, "You're just proving my point."

"There's not much use for friends in this line of work," he admits as he rolls me out of the elevator.

"That's probably true since you have twelve hour shifts, but I'll be your friend if you want. We can even be best friends. Do you want me to braid your hair?" I croon, grinning at him.

I catch a small twitch in his lips and a twinkle in his eye, "I appreciate the gesture, but I'd rather not have friends."

I glare at him, turning around with a huff, "You'll never have any friends when you're so rude, no wonder Brutus hates you."

He speeds up our pace, "Why don't you just concentrate on making up with Colin, he actually likes you."

"Fine, I will. But we don't need to make up because we never fell out in the first place."

"Good. We're here now," he rolls us into the infirmary after unlocking the doors.

The dark room senses our movement and the lights flicker on. I scan the room for the doctor but he's not hanging around anywhere.

Evanel pushes me to the centre of the room, "Wait here, I'll be right back. I need to grab Doctor Sikes."

So, that's his name.

I'm left in the stark white room alone with just the buzzing of the lights above me to fill the silence, strangely enough I start to feel anxious. Maybe I just hate being alone after spending all that time alone in that room. Although I'm fine being alone in my bedroom. Choosing to fight the feeling I get up and decide to preoccupy myself.

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