Chapter 8 - G26

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I sit on the toilet seat, waiting. I've been waiting for a month now and nothing's happened. Maybe I am. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch since I can't remember anything. But I don't even know who the father could possibly be. I'm too young to be pregnant, whether I'm fourteen or eighteen.

I shake my head, sitting here isn't going to make my period come any faster. Maybe I'm on some form of birth control I don't know about, some girl at my school got an implant in her arm for that - though she didn't say if she still had her period or not. I'm probably just on birth control, there's no need to worry.

A knock sounds on the bathroom door.

"Are you coming to breakfast?" Evanel queries, concern tinging his voice.

For some reason, he thinks I'm going to have a breakdown or something. And maybe I am but hovering isn't going to help. I know his job is to look after me but spending more than ten minutes in the bathroom doesn't mean that I'm sobbing on the floor. He knows that I still can't shower or drink water and he knows that I hate the dark and small spaces - as everyone discovered when Colin and I decided to play hide and seek.

"Yes," I call back, "Just give me a minute. You don't need to rush me since I'm not actually eating breakfast."

I can sense him rolling his eyes behind the door, "I know that. But I thought that you'd want to see Colin before we go for your check-up."

I sigh, pulling my pants up and heading to the door, pretending not to notice that I'm avoiding washing my hands. I don't say anything as I yank the door open, watching Evanel fall on his butt.

He glares at me from the floor as I smirk, "That was mature, Miss I-have-the-mind-of-an-eighteen-year-old."

He brushes himself off after I step over him, following me out of my bedroom, "I just wanted to make myself feel better about seeing that annoying doctor."

"You don't have to take it out on me," he whines, catching up to me.

"I would take it out on Colin but I actually like him."

"I've noticed."

Now it's my turn to glare at him, "Shut up."

"Stop giggling at everything he says and I will," he counters.

"He's funny. Am I not allowed to laugh at what he says?"

"You keep denying that you're fourteen but your flirting skills don't help your case. Colin may be funny but I doubt he's that funny," he points out and I try not to cringe at how right he is about me laughing all the time.

"At least I have the capacity to flirt," I huff.

"So, you admit it?" he grins.

"No! Shut up," I growl, stomping off ahead of him.

Stupid Evanel. All he's done this past month is tease me about Colin. Are girls and boys not allowed to be friends? And maybe I do like him a bit but he need to stop being such a prick about it. If Colin overheard Evanel saying these things he would think that I'm weird. And I don't want him to think that. He's my only friend here. I might have Jade and Kaley but I can't talk to them. They don't get what it's like to lose so much of your memory. I don't think that I could handle living in this place without Colin. The breakdown Evanel is predicting only hasn't happened because I have Colin.

I come to a stop at the doors to the dining room, deciding that I should tell him. I don't want to tell the doctor by myself and maybe he can help me. I would ask Colin to come to see the doctor with me to say it but I doubt he'd be allowed to join us.

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