One: Movin' In

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"C'mon, Peggy! You're falling behind!" Eliza called from up the stairs.
"You're not carrying three boxes!" I called back, no answer.
I rolled my eyes and stacked the boxes on top of each other and headed up the last flight of stairs. I think. I hope.
When I got to the top, I looked and saw Angelica and Eliza carrying one box each into a room- our new home. I hurried over and tried to catch the door, but it slammed in my face. I groaned in annoyance, I'm always left behind.
"Need some help?" A male voice called. I turned- but I couldn't see anything past the boxes.
"Y-Yeah. Please," I responded. Someone took two boxes from on top of the pile off, and I saw his face.
A beautiful light-skinned boy stood in front of me. His emerald green eyes sparkled from the lighting above us and he had freckles all around his face. His hair was down to his shoulders- a curly chocolate brown. He was handsome.
"Didn't catch your name," he said after a while.
"Didn't throw it," I smiled back, he smiled.
"Alright. Alright. Well, I'm John. Call me Laurens," he said, I nodded.
"Peggy," I added.
"Well Peggy, let me get your door," he said as he opened the door for me. He held it open as I went inside and he put the boxes on the floor behind me. "Hope to see you around."
And with that, he shut the door and left. I put the boxes next to each other in the corner and looked around the house, taking in the new view.
Two couches stood next to each other in front of a wall TV in front of me, and as soon as I looked right- a kitchen was set up with a table for six next to it. I followed down the hallway on my left and there were two doors- a small bathroom and a bigger empty room across- probably a bedroom. I walked back and went to the other hallway where I knew the girls were. There was four doors at the end of the hallways. Two of which were bedrooms, one a bathroom, and the other an office. And walk in closest for both the bedrooms. Eliza and Angie were standing in one of the bedrooms that had boxes labeled 'ANGEL' on them in sharpie- this was Angie's room.
"You guys could have helped down there," I said as I walked over to them.
"Peggy it was the last three boxes. You could carry them yourself," Eliza responded.
"Sorry. But, hey, it wasn't much trouble, right?" Angie asked.
'yes it was trouble! I almost fell a few times, you slammed the door in my face, AND I had to get help from the neighbor to open the fricken' door!' I wanted to yell.
God Dammit, Peggy.
"Good! Eliza and I picked out the rooms down here. At the opposite end there's a room for you," Angie added.
"I saw. Thanks," I sighed.
"Well, the rest of the furniture will be here tomorrow morning. We got the mattresses for mine and Angel's bed, the table set-up, the kitchen and the computers," Eliza smiled.
"What about my bed?" I asked.
"It'll he here tomorrow!" Angie giggled.
I sighed. "I'm going to... Go for a walk."
"Alright! Be back home by six! I'm making roast chicken!" Eliza exclaimed- her and Angie went back to their conversation and I left the house.
I went downstairs and outside and looked around. Across from the building were a few stores- a shoe store, a cafe, a Starbucks and a music shop. I looked at the clock on my phone- 4:28 PM- I haven't eaten sense noon. I walked across the streets and into the 'Moonbeam Café' and ordered a 'Lava Flow Drink' and a chefs salad and awaited at a table. One my order came, I went outside and sat in the benches by myself and ate while reading a book on my phone. I sat there for fifteen minutes when I felt a shadow come over me. I looked up, and an older man was there. He was a tall, dark skinned man with little hair and dark chocolate eyes. He smirked at me- but I said nothing.
"Exscuse me miss- I know it's not funny, but your perfume smells like your daddy's got money," he smirked, I glared at him.
"Excuse me?" I growled.
"Why you slummin' in the city in your fancy heels? You searching for a urchin that can give you ideals?"
He leaned closer to me and grabbed my hand and kissed it- I yanked it away. I stood up and started to gather my things, but he kept pulling me closer to him.
"I'm a trust fund, baby, you can trust me," he whispered.
"Get off me!" I said as I tried to get off him.
Then, he was suddenly grabbed by someone from behind him and I was pulled away by someone behind me. I looked at him- a strong and bigger black man with dark eyes and hair starred at him, he looked like he was going to kill him. Then, I looked behind me.
A shorter white guy with dark brown hair tied in a ponytail with a goatee was on my right, and on my left- John!
"Burr, you disgust me," John spat.
"What? I can't play around with the new girl?" He joked.
"Yeah, that 'new girl,' is sixteen," the white man growled, 'Burr's' eyes opened wide.
"No way. With a body like that-"
"Finish that sentence! I fuckin' dare you!" John yelled, Burr shut up and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Fine," Burr growled, then, he turned and walked away.
"You alright, Peggy?" John asked as he spun me around, concern washed all over his face. I didn't know what to say- so I just hugged him for a while before finally letting go.
"Thank you..." I whispered out.
"Just be happy we were in the right place at the right time," The white guy said, John and the other laughed. "Sorry. Probably sound have introduced myself. My name is Alexander Hamilton. And there's a million things I haven't done. But just you wait."
Ugh, okay?
"Nice to meet you," I smiled as I shook his hand.
"I'm Hercules Mulligan, up in it, loving-"
"Don't even start,"  John groaned, I smiled. "Alex and Herc live with me next door."
"Oh! You're my new neighbors!" I exclaimed, they nodded. "Good thing I have you guys around to protect my family."
"Isn't that your dads job, though? You can't live alone if you're only sixteen," Herc asked.
"I'm not sixteen. I turned eighteen last month," I corrected.
Everyone looked at Alexander.
"What? I had to get Burr away from her some how. What doesn't scare a man when he hears 'she's only sixteen'."
I laughed. "But, my dads back home with my
mom. I moved up here with my sisters Elizabeth and Angelica."
"Are they single?" Herc asked- John and Alex slapped him on his arms while laughing, I laughed too.
"So, you should come walk around with us," John smiled.
"Yeah! After that thing with Burr, you never know who you'll run into-"
"Like Jefferson- that bizarre bastard."
We all looked behind us to see someone walked up. Another dark skinned young boy was walking over. He had blue ripped jeans and a black and gold jersey on with Timberlands on. His black curly hair was tired up in a high ponytail, he was cute.
"Perfect timing," Alex said as the man joined us. "Lafayette- this is Peggy. Peggy- meet Marie-Joseph Paul Lafayette."
"You may call me Laf, belle femme," he said as he took my hand and kissed it. I blushed- beautiful lady. does he really think that? I looked back up at John who was glaring at Laf. Then, he caught me starting and his eyes became soft.
"Laf, you wanna help us show Peggy around?" Herc asked.
"Oui! J'adorerais!" He exclaimed. Alex and Herc lead the way while Laf and Laurens walked behind with me. Laurens was a lot closer to me now.
What's up with him?

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