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or when you cover up what's already covered.

honestly, i didn't care too much about what happened in the locker room, so long as everyone was covered where it was needed.

since all of the bathroom stalls were occupied, i just had to change in the main changing area. i wasn't bothered by it, because i'd (finally) come to terms with my body.

at one point, i was struggling to pull my clean shirt from the bottom of my gym bag, and was a bit bent over.

"ooh, you got a rack!"

my eyesbrows knitted together as i stood back up. i turned to the girl who'd said it, seeing her steal a glance at my chest.

"uh... okay?" i said it like a question as i held my shirt to my chest. i felt my face go red.

i couldn't look at anyone again until i was clothed and out of the locker room. there was something about it that made me embarrassed, made me want to coverupcoverupcoverup.

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